hustleen :]

Friday, December 31, 2010

HNY!. :)

Hahaha shall we look back to the post i did last year?
:) Im not gonna say if anything happened.
Maybe i can say that the year happened pretty well.
Pretty balanced, maybe?
Couple of fails, couple of passes, couple of letting gos, couple of holding ons, couple of losts, couple of founds, couple of news, couple of olds, couple of smiles, couple of cries, couple of new interests, couple of old interest lost, couple of loves, couple of hates.
I dunno.
Whatever what i said last year. ;)
Ill just go where i wanna go now.
Plans made are plans to follow.
Ok so its officially 2011 now and im listening to Greg's voice now.
Best New Year Ever :P
So i actually think i will cry BUT i dont know why it aint coming so..
Well, if you ask me about how my 2010 was, ill say this.
Picked this up from CSI. :)
Gil Grissom: Did you enjoy being in the field?
Greg Sanders: You heard about it too?
Gil Grissom: What?
Greg Sanders: I messed up.
Gil Grissom: No.
Greg Sanders: Well, then i enjoyed it fine.
Muacks, RIP 2010 \m/ :)B

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ready not

Extremely unready for 2011.
Ahh crap.
Dont know if its the part where i have to leave 2010 or the thought that i have to handle 2011.
Have a good time, Lin.
Part of me dont wanna leave 2010.
And i just missed Bed Bradshaw. How sad is that. :( :( :( :(

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Fuck, maybe im just tired, but my life is a whole shitload of fucktards and bullshit. Ever felt that way too? :/

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Hate the weather. Its soo hooot!! And im like going out in awhile. Off to Mum n friends' new/end of year high tea. Good thing bro's coming along. Forgot to charge D3K battery. Stups. Dont know what to wear. Drying hair now, but i doubt it will dry enough. And my hair's completely mental now. Cant even stand for 2 days. The 2nd day, it will be all greasy and itchy. Something wrong with my scalp i think. Shampoos supposed to help. Ah well. Kebabs n all, here i comeeeee! :P

(Lol ikr. What happened to counting calories? Bleh. Its 45bucks worth of kebabs. Who cares..for now. Ah wtf.)


So much Greg today, love him for life, muacks lol :P

Monday, December 27, 2010

I miss making someone smile.
Im afraid of what i am, will be.
Eating millions of calories per day, cooking things, and now beginning to count them and wont go for those over 300.
What the fucks gonna happen next?
I even thought to myself, even if i can do the shit i cant, or wear shit i cant, i still probably wouldnt be able to, cuz of my body.
I have many dreams i wanna chase, but i feel so pinned down.
I have choices i cant make.
I have things to look forward to, but im not ready.
Feeling sick to my head, eyes, stomach, mind, but not being sure why.
Wanting things i dont use.
Wishing things i cant have.
Waiting things that wont come.
Trying things that dont work out.
Hoping things will work out.
Im wondering how i sounded so happy these days.
I ripped something i was supposed to give to a fucking exboyfriend a year plus ago.
All this why?
Is it because theres nobody there anymore that i know will make me smile?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

2nd day lol.

Hiii lunch today was @ Streats Hong Kong Cafe yum yummy yum yum. Some photos. Didnt bring D3K so yeah, snapped n uploaded from my phone. Kinda messed up and some arent uploaded =.=
enjoi, have a good night everyone. Dry run tmr :( ha. Death.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Square cuts


Cool that Christmas colors are my favorite colors. Ha!
Felt like i wanted to share some photos with you since i havent since.. forever. :P
BUT, before everything else, let me show you a picture of two ridiculously good looking men. :) HEHE.

Simon Baker, who plays Patrick Jane in The Mentalist.

Eric Szmanda, who plays Greg Sanders in CSI.

My favorite drink, Bandung. (Y) Its rose syrup plus milk, for those who are wondering. ;)

Finally got pictures @ Universal Studio, from Adi's camera :B

I look like some Aunty HAHA.

Fat bitch, i know.

Oh heres pictures of me and my new haircut if i havent posted any pictures.

Ah, this was before. HAHA look at the guys on extreme left =.=

Pretty sick huh :) Im the left one btw. He even cut those braces for me.

This was the day i had to "be" an Art student. Not cool man, so many things to carry lol.

@ LaSalle.

Okay maybe thats not a lot pictures. Here, check this out. Awesome stuff :)

Gil Grissom: So, let's see. You surf, you scuba dive. You're into latex, you like fashion models and Marilyn Manson. And you also have a coin collection?
Greg Sanders: Weird, ha?
Gil Grissom: Well, I race cockroaches!

Ha! Love G. :)

Friday, December 24, 2010



Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dig deep

Yeah, alright, i know, yall are happy and complete people together.
But what i wanna know is how yall are inside..
Not trynna be pshyco (idc how you spell it but thats the way i do it :P) but.
One day, i will dig deep, deep enough to find out what is REALLY there under all those happiness and completeness and..whatever.


Btw, watched The Mentalist and just when Red John appeared, the cd jammed and wont play. Ha. Just when the words "cheap imitations" came through.

Should i go out tomorrow.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Oh yeah, byebye!

The kid is here! Muahaha hes soo cute.
Hmm i woke up today, watched The Mentalist, popped a pill for the nose, watched House and then was knocked out big time. I had the worst dream EVER there was this carnival so my sister my brother my grandmummy and dad and i wanted to buy Ramly burgers and then there was this old short skinny man who stood here naked squeezing his penis when the music stops and when the music plays he happily shoots his semen everywhere, on my sister, my grandmummy, me.. Disgusting man wtfh.. But i hit him real hard to push him away. So dat part was good. Ha. Ewww wtf man. So yeah woke up and the Dzuls were here. Ajul (photo) gave me a good hug and i said i miss you and he was like "i miss you toooo" awww, indesicive sweetheart. Hes sleepin over tonight. Watching The Mentalist now. Ajul has been saying "Where are you Mister Pussycat?~ Are you here Pussycat?~ Are you HERE Pussycat?!" sho cute. :)

Monday, December 20, 2010


Hi guess what. I am sitting here superly sleepy (=.=) with mama sleeping on the chair to my right (=.= =.=) while waiting for my turn. Dang, i slept at around 330 and woke up at 7, and with the day's activities, i turned out pretty fine. Home, watched The Mentalist, watched House, slept for 20mins, tuition, baked cupcakes (if u were wondering, it turned out not so good but not so bad either. Prolly cuz i cut the ingredients n estimated. Could do better.) and on a better note, i succeeded in making marshmallow fondant (n, just sayin, fondant dont at all taste so good) and buttercream (i only added powdered sugar to butter actually) it tasted that much better but it was runny once it melted. And then i watched The Mentalist on C5, and then CSI (they did NOT continue last week's episode wtf!!) and then i quickly ran to sleep.
I had a freaking bad runny nose which got me a freaking bad night, with nightmares of runny nose (i think, i dont know if i was dreaming or if it really happened) and woke up the next day.


Like we used to

Can you promise me that this one's right so i can throw it all away?
I never knew i could miss any friend like i miss you.
God, talk about a tranny..

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Some things i really want to do in this life.
Experience snow.
> Told Mum about this.. I told her that on my next birthday, i wanted her to bring me to SnowCity cuz i wanna see the snow there.. The last time i went was when i was in kindergarten, was barely six then.. And seeing pictures of my Aunt(?) living in Austria (i think?) with all the snow.. I dont know, the fact that snow feels so near yet so far just kills me.. I know SnowCity aint gonna be like the real thing but..what are the chances? I really dont think i can experience real snow anyway..
Step in into the US.
> California, LA, Vegas, Long Beach. Nuff said.
Step into another Asia country.
> Korea, Japan..
Its just those lights..
Those city lights, street lights, urban or rural areas, office lights, building lights, lamp lights, shop lights, concert lights, performances lights, events lights, no lights, i dont care.
I wanna snap pictures of them, keep them forever, and i just want to see what its like just being there alone.
I want to stand on places people have been, take a look at what theyve seen, see it for myself.
Damn it.
Crying as i type this and swear will cry much much MUCH harder when i do it.
I love all you readers, haha, found out i have readers from other countries as well.
I may not know who yall are, but i wish im where you are right now.
And i hope i can make you say the same..

Saturday, December 18, 2010

:) Yup, thats what i got today!! Well, today was really well-fed. Went out with family for some hardcore shopping. I still cant quite believe that mum and dad actually wanted to get me an iTouch 4.. Like holy shhhhh! Damn. Just couldnt soak it into me, you know?! But, anyways, i kinda refused. Yep, i said no to that golden opportunity (i know i know). Dont ask if im regretting my decision, cuz, dont i always do?? Like that ramly burger.. Yep, anyway, in the end, Ezt got one for herself.. Brotha got a new phone.. And i got..that picture on top. Uh huh, a full CSI Season 5 series :) :) :) hohoho, cant deny that i am friggin happy, the kickstart to my collection!! I have two months to complete the whole 11 sets. Id appreciate help (winks!) So yeah, its like 316am now, kinda just finished an almost 6-hour CSI marathon.. God, i can never get enough.. It makes me rethink about things ive always wanted you know.. Dont know if its good or bad.. Well anyway, the iTouch 4 is still ringing in my head.. I cant believe i turned that iTouch with a CAMERA down...

Oh and a big THANK YOU to mum and dad for getting us these stuff.. Love you both lots. Mwahxz thank you so much!! :D

Friday, December 17, 2010


Well, if all the good guys are taken or gay.. and all the good girls are taken or lesb.. Doesnt matter looks-wise or study-wise or attitude-wise..

Then i guess its just left with you and me..

Does that mean we're not good?? :(

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Ok i know they dont look so good, but trust me, they are AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE! *high pitched*
Like i said, i snapped one really good picture before i coated them with chocolate BUT it went missing so yup.
I forgot to snap again so i had to snap one when it was all in the container.
Unglam much?
Anyhoos, i thought id wanna share with you the recipe.
Its really really simple cuz you only need 3 ingredients and no baking at all.
Oreo cookies
Cream cheese (Room temp.)
Ok, thats just the "basics", let me tell you specifically what i used.
I used around eight 3-packeted packets of Oreos, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, and some dark chocolate chips.
Okay, be sure to use Original cream cheese cuz those nonfat ones are gonna change the texture of the truffles.
And because i used dark chocolate chips, i added milk when melting it just so its not that dark.
1. Blend your oreos in a food processor until it becomes a powdery consistency. If you dont have a food processor, just crush it or put it in a blender.
2. Next, add the cream cheese and blend them together well. It should be able to stick to each other and form a huge lump.
3. Refridgerate the lump for about an hour.
4. Form the lumps into balls of your choice of size
5. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, or use a double boiler if you want.
6. Roll the balls in the melted chocolate.
7. Refridgerate for about an hour, or until the chocolate has hardened.
Yeah thats about it. 7 steps but they take less than forty minutes (if you work fast)! TRY IT TRY IT!.
And, i know some of you wouldnt trust the cream cheese, sounds nasty, but trust the recipe. You can almost hardly taste the cream cheese.
Plus, i heard that if you use WHITE CHOCOLATE instead of milk/dark chocolate, it will take away the taste of the cream cheese. I am definitely trying this next time.
You store them in airtight containers and keep them chilled.
Mine looks so messy though.
Snapped all these pictures with the sexy E5.
Okay, now go try!
Gonna savour these stuff while watching, spongebob, the mentalist, csi.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Just some random pictures, trying out uploading pictures with my phone. Teehee. So uhm, icecream pictures was when i went to the library. Rapunzel and lunchbox was on rapunzel day with mum bro and nyai. New lunchbox for school yaaaay :D watching House now, and waiting for my babies to chill out. I snapped a picture of them babies before i coated them with chocolate but theyre gone. Wasted. They were pretty. Ill snap another when theyve chilled enough. Ok exciting part in House now. Ttyl ;)


Happy Birthday to my sibs, E'zzati and Iman S8! (1212)
And happy birthday to Taylor Swift! And Jonathan Tan! I think. (1312)
God bless!

Today was a HORROR. Bored to death laced with lazy, and only one good show was on, which was House, which occupied only an hour. Did i mention tuition at 10am. That is not a question. Wanted to cook but were out of ingredients. Finished the Cole and Pike novel, it was unexpected fantastic, that book, im surely going for the rest of the series. Its a mystery story, bout a PI. And i hope he quickly ties the knot with Lucy. There you go, fictionzzz overpowers. Yep anyway, i fell asleep and woke up at 8 and ate a whole lot of bull. Seriously. Dammit. I love how i start/end my days reading. But i hate starting a new book. Well, anyway, cant wait for a new day tomorrow. Gonna make Oreo Truffles :) i hope Nyai gets the right cream cheese oh God i love her so much.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

After all you do know best

So i guess lets just all put on a smile and hope someone falls for our smile.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


everybody has been talking about you. i just wanna say that you could do better. it isnt worth. dont keep telling yourself you are what youre not. it hurts me to hear all those shit. but im not giving them anything else, nor am i keeping it for you. i just want to help you to save your face from everyone else's. I love you.


Hi. Ok this is coolsauce, i just found out i can blog using my phone. Yay i love you E5! Might be going to borrow more books. KFC's BP chix gave me one heck of a toiletride. dammit. anyway, House's main character is called Gregory House. Adds up to the sexy Greg-scientists. However you spell that. :/

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I found new love this holidays.
Did you?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

La Choux

HAVE YOU EVER listened to a song or watched a video
and somehow felt
that the song (or video)
just speaks to you?
30 seconds to mars - Hurricane
This song just did.
Tell me would you?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


About to start to write a whole new story.
Another attempt, maybe?
Thanks to a dream last night.
Maybe it'll follow up..