hustleen :]

Monday, May 24, 2010

Blank? Ya exactly.

Today I felt so wasted. No, the day was wasted. I went and arrived to school with such a tired mind and sleepy eyes. I slept the first three periods off. I bought food which I didn't finish. Everything I ate tasted horrible. I shivered too much. I didn't laugh enough. After school I just went home and wasted the afternoon sleeping. I had a plan but someone wasn't up for it. Nb haha. So at around 8 I woke up then mum came in and went like "Mel, tk bangun makan?" and I was like "Huh?" hahaha. Didn't expect her to
come and ask me to wake up just to eat. So I woke up and yeah, Nyai cooked pecel. However it's spelled. Now am using Nyai's itouch to go
around the web. Ahh I'm still do tired. Terry came up to me just now and went "I heard all the dancers had their asses hurting" HAHA so true. All the dancers are probably suffering when sitting, standing, climbing up or down staircases. I hate how I love yog.
August important.
Well, that's that. You know you can talk to me about just anything. I'm always waiting yeah, just come and I'll be there.
Alright then, tomorrows gonna suck helluva lot.
Nights <3ers. :)


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