hustleen :]

Friday, May 21, 2010


Hello ;)
How was your day?
Mine started off extremely sleeepy. I have no freaking idea why cos i slept pretty early last night.
After school, stayed back with dance babes.
I slept while they talked.
At around 220 went back to get changed.
YOG was pretty fine today. Not that intensive.
But every week keep on changing formations. Irritating eh.
I go to trainings to dance, not to sit and wait and hope my position doesnt get changed.
*Lost for words*
So yeah, it was mkay. Ahh next training starts in like..eleven hours.
Dance, not running around etc please.
After training, went back.
Nad: *salams*
Lin: Bye Nadddddd~
Amirah: Kay bye Lin. *sticks out hand to salam*
Lin: Asal ngan kau, you walking here right?!
Amirah: Huh? No, i walking with Nad, i got dance.
Lin: *pauses, face kecewa* Wahlau mkay ah, then i go back alone ah. *slaps her hand*
Amirah: *faceshock*
Then mkay already, so we separated.
Like just after 3 seconds.
Nad: LINNNN! Your eyecandy over there! At the coffeeshop!
Lin: *turns* HUH WHAT?
Nad: There!!!
Lin: *screams*
So yah, went home quite happy ah. ;)
Reached home, showered. After showering went to my room.
I saw a huge packet of Gummy Bears with a note pasted on it saying
"For my lovely sister who loves gummy bears"
I shrieked out with total shock and uhmm, gladness?
Yaluhh, unexpected seh. I went to the room where he was and was like YOU MAD AR?!
But he was talking on the phone with whooooooooo. Zoey, was it? ;)
And another thing that made my happy like crazy was after seeing these.
Watch it watch it!! :D
The kid is like freaking amazing. I adore him.

Oh & i wonder how you guys read the title of my post.
Do you read it as, Post-It or Pos-tit?

Nights, breakfast tomorrow YAY! :B


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