hustleen :]

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Alright, hello :B
Kallang Leisure Park.
When we entered the mall this guy came up to us and went like.
Man: You girls have ten dollars each?
Atiqa: Nahhs.
Man: Oh, thats a waste. Cos you know what you can get? Yes, italian food. Guaranteed no pork, no lard. :D
Atiqa: Oh, but no halal also.
Man: Alright then, when was the last time you girls went to the club?
(All three of us looked at each other)
Atiqa: We all what, 15 only lah!
Man: Alright then, what about yoga? *explains whole package thing* *ends* So you girls interested?
Atiqa: Nahhs. Sorry thaaaanks.
Man: Mkay its mkay thank you ;D
I realized that for both arcade and bowling i tried everything first.
Youll know what i mean. ;)
Amk Mac.

Super noob. Kept asking Amirah/Atiqa to follow me. HAHA.

I dont know how Atiqa does this man.
1st game results. Yeah, didnt take final results but, you guys shouldve prolly guessed whos first.
Notice the 5 zeros? Ball kept rolling to left longkang.
Notice the last one? Yeah. Strike and i turned to Atiqa and Amirah and screamed.
Then smile smile happy to myself HAHA :B

2nd game scores. Yeah did better. HAHA, notice if you switch the positions of my two numbers, then it'll be Amirah's score. & notice Atiqa got my1st game score?. HAHAHA. ( Btw yes, its Lin > Amirah > Atiqa )

I loveeee love love them ttm.

Amirah: Ape tuu, whats R?
Atiqa: Renovation.
Lin: Oh, R, Rosak.

I ♥ you both ttm ;DD
Nights ♥ ers.


At May 18, 2010 at 10:39 PM , Blogger nut'ceyra said...

when u all go bowling seyyyhh...?? :( :(

At May 27, 2010 at 7:31 AM , Blogger Lin S. ♥ said...

May 18, 2010 hunns. TEEHEE! :B


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