hustleen :]

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So its like that.

!*@$$@*! says:
urr guy must be really fortunate haha
Linokotta says:

Laughed. So i dont care.

Mkay firstly, i wanna apologize if ive hurt anyone in any way.
I know, im sucha traitor right.
Sorry kay.
& yeah, id like to join you guys someday. ;)

So, got back many results today.
So far, i failed 1 out of 6.
Which is Maths, obviously. 40/100. Atiqa too. Sworn sisters. Hahaha! ;)
Lit P2, really upset with it. I got so super low!!! Like only 56 or 57. I want Ms Foo to mark my papers! ;(
English, first time EVER, i failed Comprehension. Super discouraging, disappointing!! Good thing my Summary helped out, like alot. Thanks Summary. & how did Atiqa get second in class?! Hahah. FTH!. ;(
Bio passed horribly. BUT, Thank God i did.
& POA. What the shrek, i passed!!! I was like, how did that happen?! Guess i was just lucky. Ahh, Thank God. ;)
Alhamdulillah. ;)

Atiqa, cheer up mkay. :D

Dont be too complacent.
Consistency is the key to success.
Always remember, those who are hardest hit are the strongest.
& those who are weakest hit are, yes, the weakest.
When you regret hurting someone you will always love.
No lahh, thats not true.
Work hard kay everyone. ;)
Sudden. imy :/

"I dont wanna fight." Liam says.
Was he crying? Awww.
Stand by me, nobody knows the way its gonna be.


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