hustleen :]

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thick toes.

Stuck with this girl for six whole hoursssssss.
Wore my Adidas today. Been sucha long time since i last did.
Met up w Nad, Amirah in the morning for breakfast @ kbmac.
We were afraid that we'd be late, so we ran to school.
A point where Amirah's phone fell and crashed and i wanted to pick it up and she was like "LIN, FASTER, WHAT IS THAAAAAAT?!?!?!"
And i was like IS YOUR PHONE WTH!!!!!
So we made it in time.
YOG today was, damn, pretty intensive like whoaaaaaaaa.
Warm up was a killer manxz.
After warmup, had a break. Just lay down for the whole ten minutes.
When we woke up, whoa, legs jelly ttm.
So yeah, learned more steps. Quite long rests today but still, my legs were dying.
The last rest was like 15 mins or something and i just slept the whole rest.
After dancing for the last time for the day, i screamed.
But after that we had to sit in a circle and do like 4o jumps 20 pumpings and this 10 weird leg thingy.
Our staminas like shit.
After dance head to Mac, alot angmohs. Seriously. Like young guy angmohs. One very hansum. Yeah.
No seats so headed for Hub, i wanted to shit so bad but couldnt. =.=
Mac, Amirah sudden runoff.
245 home.
Reached home, hadnt got the chance to shower, dropped on my bed and slept.
I know, disgusting. Havent even change know. Everything just shut down like that. :/
Woke up at around eight plus, and yeah.
Tomorrow up early again.
God, i love dancing.

Ouh hahhaha
rabak uh holiday
tkleh nampak

10:14pmNur Atiqah
lol ...
gy blok dyr ....

Hahaha she damn cute uh can. Seeing her tomorrow. We're dyinggggg. Now im chatting with the brudder. Lol.

Seriously, i think the first ever mascot i want to meet to get my phobia off is Russell. He is one mascot i would love to meet without the fear.

This boy pretty awesome.
Alright then, will be off.
Im so so fucking tired.


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