hustleen :]

Monday, May 17, 2010


Today was extremely empty alone and bad.
So, theres no need to peel hehe.
But still, i suddenly feel like posting so here goes ^^
Facebook has some true and interesting groups.
Lemme share some.
1. "Are you okay? "Yeah...just tired." The biggest lie in history.
HAHAHA like many many! There was once after Lit i was held up by the teacher.
She asked if i was mkay cos ive been very quiet in class.
& i was like, uhmm yah just...tired uh. :D"
I mean, yeah, i was tired but then i cant possibly say "No im not mkay im feeling kinda depressed today, and yes, i was engaged in the lesson but im kinda abit too shy to speak up."
Heh. Partly.
2. Sometimes i say things that dont really make sense to me either.
HAHAHA mkay doesnt this always happen?
Yeah those moments when you talk but theres really nothing in your head then you friend goes "HUH APER KAU BBUAL?!" and you go "AHH TKPE TKDE PAPE!" and your friend goes "KAU, KAU JGN GILER AR!" and you go "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Mkay fine thats more like me and my friend.
3. you. A lot.
Like and you'll know what it means ;)
4. "Haha im older." "Yeah but youre gonna die first."
HAHAHAHAHAHAH ive never thought of this! Ill use thish one the next time! :B
5. Sometimes..when im doing Maths ill use the calculator even if its 3x3
Yeah man i do this!!! :D Esp in exams, just to doublecheck that 3x3 didnt change. ;D
6. Yes, im afraid someone will kill me when im washing my face.
Ahh so true. Then ill be like quickly quickly wash my face at the same time feeling alittle afraid to look up back to the mirror. Hahaha.
7. "Hey apple!" "WHAT?!" "Knife."
HAHAHAHAHA. Classic. Everyone knows. (Y) :B

Mkay i guess thats about it.
Thanks Amin for introducing me to this song. ;D

Who kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens would cry over me?
Who stole the soul from the sun in a world come undone at the seams?

- Let there be love by Oasis

Nights :B


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