hustleen :]

Sunday, June 13, 2010

PP. Political Poser.

Pol Pot said that he knows that many people in the country hate him and think he’s responsible for the killings. He said that he knows many people died. When he said this he nearly broke down and cried. He said he must accept responsibility because the line was too far to the left, and because he didn’t keep proper track of what was going on. He said he was like the master in a house he didn’t know what the kids were up to, and that he trusted people too much. For example, he allowed [one person] to take care of central committee business for him, [another person] to take care of intellectuals, and [a third person] to take care of political education.... These were the people to whom he felt very close, and he trusted them completely. Then in the end ... they made a mess of everything.... They would tell him things that were not true, that everything was fine, that this person or that was a traitor. In the end they were the real traitors. The major problem had been cadres formed by the Vietnamese.
- Wikipedia
Googled Cambodia after seeing the pictures and Amirah telling me bout some stuff.
How could Pol Pot say that?
So now the blames on other people?
On the one person, another person, third person?
Come on dude, there was only one person.
& if it werent for that only one person, Cambodia wouldve already succeeded by now, it wouldnt be an undeveloped country.
That one person is you.
Cambodians have every right to feel unsatisfied unhappy and revengeful.
Hope you get your judgement from God.
Nights luvers. ;)


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