hustleen :]

Monday, June 7, 2010

Plans i set in stone.

Sup kids, im back. ;)
Tried to stay up as late as i could last night, only dropped asleep at around 3am.
Texted babes goodbye and all.
I miss them already, yes. ):
Today, Jaybee with Mum Imi Nyai.
Was pretty fine, got to buy some new stuffs.
BUT the Nike there didnt sell what i wanted. Dayumn. ):
Had Sarabat & The Coffee Bean.
Quite happy but not satisfied with purchases heeeee.
How can a girl get enough of shopping? :B
Tomorrow, aint sure whats up. I wanna bowl again.
Yawwnnnnnnnnnsssss im tired and my Milk Tea is finishing.
Nyai is extremely cute today ;)
"And uh, im a very very different person. The person that is recording lives in isolation; the person that is playing live hates the man who wrote the songs, which is also me because its too difficult to sing and theyre too hard to play and im always like next time, you know, im gonna write simpler songs and like, i dont really manage to do that. I still look at my career, along the career, and i think of myself at the early stages in my career. The one thing bout me is that i dont even know where ill end up, and i dont know what ill end up doing but i know that ill never really stop."
- Mika and i love love love Mika :D


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