hustleen :]

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The dream.

I had a dream last night. Started out with me being in school. It was almost time for a performance. While waiting i was walking around. And then i found Firzanah at the rooftop, she was looking rather sad. (btw babe if you really are sad like how i met you in my dream, cheer up ok love & miss you) Then i was at this open space, i look around with pillars at every metre surrounding me, yeah. After a few seconds i found myself in a plane, i look down and all i see is the very blue sea. Weird huh. I look in front and i see from the pilot's view. For a moment, i really felt like i didnt want to land, i just wanted to stay in the air. I silently prayed to stay there, in the midst of thin air, longer. The flight ended anyway, and i found the plane landing on somewhere i didnt recognize. I think it even touched down in the sea. Heh. Hotels and clear blue waters surrounding me. With dancemates and my siblings. And then the pilot pops out and says, We're in California. I know, whateff. Dancemates were playing in the waters and with anything, anything at all, that they could fine and there was so much laughter and fuckin fun. It was like da best dream eva. So after that, we entered the hotel, it was extremely spooky. T-I-C tells us to do something. My sister went off to someplace else for some stuff with some others. T-I-C tells us to count how many of these, i dont know, some sort of disk covers but with holes. For some reason that "mission" seemed so freakin mysteriously scary. We counted like heck, for a freakin long time. I remember taking the easy way to count em all, like asking other people to count one row each, counting by column and row and then multiplying them and etc. But all the answers were wrong. UNTIL i counted ALL of them ONE BY ONE. That was when i got it right. T-I-C then said something like, Thats right. Only with great effort will you get the right answer, the right path or the way things go. Thats the lesson i wanted all of you to learn.
Yeah so i woke up and thought,
if i want to go to California, im gonna go there with a goal. I dont wanna go there not knowing no shit, ya get me? I dont wanna go there for holiday sightseeing shopping walking around. Im gonna go there to do what im best at. & if theres nothing im best at, i might as well not go there at all.
Ya feelin me?
Sheesh, California California California.
Lesson #1 gotten.
Through just a dream.
Imagine what type of lesson id learn from an ever bigger dream, which is to go there.
So whats yours?


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