hustleen :]

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Got plugs?

Alright, Woodlands today with family.
Um, Dzuls were supercute today.
Hyperactive supercute verynoisy kids.
I loveeeeeee :P
Yeah there was one Aidie sang "Damn whos the sexy bitch~"
Then Ajul went like "Whos the sexy girl in the world?"
And i was like "Your mummy!"
And he went "No.. Ana!"
Ana is me luh, teehee and i was like awwwww HAHAHAHAH.
Yeah Ajul calls ghosts "Puntania"
And we were laughing then he screamed across to the other table "PAPA, PUNTANIA IS GHOST RIGHT?!"
And Maman just went "Ahhhh~ ;)"
Timezoned. Maman paid ten bucks for my card.
Guitar Hero with Aidie. Failed. Lagu rilek ttm.
Then the bowling thing. Patheticccc HAHAHA!. You guys go and try, then you will know ;)
Afi did some throws too. Throws.
Then the basketball thing. Iman threw the ball it went over the whole box thing and it fell behind the damn box thing. Dumb or what HAHAHA. Fail too.
Played this horse shooting thing. Im a better shooter than Aidie, seriously :P I shot all the teeth, and he didnt. But stupid ah, they only let us play once. Mahal somemore.
One more game of Guitar Hero. Ckit fail. He wanted to play 4 buttons so much, and on guitar. So he did and epic. HAHAHA.
*switches guitars*
*5seconds later game ends*
Wanted another game but card ran outta cash. So Aidie played solo.
I took it then he went "HAHA just joking ;)"
So i had to finish it off lol.
Aidie sees Paris Hilton perfume box and goes "EHHH MY GIRLFRIEND~!"
Ajul sees Paris Hilton as mermaid on box and goes "HAHAHAHAHA AIDIE'S GIRLFRIEND IS A MERMAID~! :P"
Got my polo tees sized L. The woman asked me to take M but nahhs.
I hate polo tees lol.
And we had to go back so early.
Forgot to purchase my earpiece.
Hopped on the bus took out my earpiece and realized BOTH PIECES CANT WORK.
Fuck, fucking frustrated. Nyai sat beside me.
Felt really very bad you know.....
But i was so fuckin frustrated that i took out my earpiece and gave a fuckin sharp pull and it fuckin snapped.
Like into two.....
Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn fuckinggggggggggg frustratedddddddddddd.
Fuckin hell, really fuckin needed my earpiece.
Nyai so cute she tried to help me. I really felt like just hugging her throughout the whole journey....
So yeah had to endure my mind fuckin thinkin bout shit that just made me feel worse...
I hate itttttttttttttttt. Aint helping at all.
Reached home, and yeah, thats about it.
Before i go off, this morning i kinda sat down took out my phone and opened a page for a new text. And i managed to typed only this. If youre reading this then..ill give you a damn good talk when i know you read this. ;)
I dont mean to be offending or whateer but you are just really phsycotic and never fail to enter to people's life and assume plus your level of ego is overflowing. and i dont mean swag. You want to tell me about getting beaten up and everybody seein? And sayin it okay? That you love it? Then why cant you take the pain i gave you and just..move? Dude im being serious here. Youre fake. No not fake. As in, you are not you. I can say you achieved making me think about you but doing that makes me wanna kill myself. But for you no way. ;) I think you should live alone kid.
Ok fuck i know im assuming too. But youre doing it too so i guess you dont mind. ;)
AND, regarding second chances, i only give them to those to i think deserves it. Who do YOU think deserves it? :) Like i said previously, do YOU think I get second chances too? Or have been getting any? Id say id prefer those who take the FIRST chance and work it. There is no second chances in life you know that? Once youre dead, then youre dead. Yes i know only for PEOPLE WHO CHANGE. But in what fuckin way? I changed too you know that? I changed too so does that mean I get a second chance too? I dont think so dude. If EVERYBODY who CHANGED knows that they'll get a second chance, then whats the first for? If you ask me if i believe in second chances, well, id like to think no. Cuz really, after all ive been through, after all the second chances ive given and gotten, they just dont work. No matter how many fuckin chances you give somebody, they will blow it up.
There will always be another chance.
Ego. Everybody likes to think that they are the dopest kids in town right? Lets talk about mine first. Well firstly i do think that i think pretty highly of myself and thats because i set high goals and i definitely want to achieve them. And to reach high, you gotta look high. So thats why if you see a bit of me speaking so high of myself, let me tell you thats the least. Cuz you can ask ma friends, i keep complaining bout what im like, how shitty i am, about everything. LATEST: My weight. And i know you agree cuz i know youve been talking bout it too. ;) I know, kid. As much as you might wanna think about how high my ego is, how great i think i am, well you thought wrong. Cuz im never satisfied with what i am. And i never will be cuz satisfaction will take me nowhere. Cuz when you are satisfied you just stop working, you stop trying, you stop everything. So no way. Now lets talk about you. Your ego is waaaay tooo high, tho you might not show it we can allll see it. Arghh i dont feel like talking about it anymore you know. Yours is too high until i dont think even you can reach it.. I dont know if you are contented with what you are now but seems like it. But sometimes you have to realize that people wont love you the way you love yourself. Sometimes you have to realize that you have to change for the second chance you might be wanting so much. I dont see any of that, im sorry.. And to be frank, i dont want to. I dont want anything to do with your life. Im sorry.
Oh and i thanked you out of respect, and how the fuck did you respond to me..? Did i reply you? I forgot but whatever man. Its okay i get that alot. See. How do you get respect if youre like that. You demand it. And it aint working you ^$%^#$*^^&#%#* ! See, even got smiley. =.= Ergh. Ha ha.
Enough for today man, im tired.... Im tired of having to post about every one of you though i wish to say it to you myself.... Besides not having the courage to sometimes, i rather you realize it for yourself... But seems to me that all your type of species just wont realize it yourself.. Well anyway you wont so its ok. :)
Yeah ive wrote like an essay for you already about almost each point. You happy?

Nights you guys take care with much love..
As in L O V E not L U V.


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