hustleen :]

Friday, June 4, 2010


Hehe whazzup.
I kind of forgot about most of the things i wanted to blog about..
Alright so todays YOG was pretty alright as id put it.
Oh did i meantion Amirah's position is changed?
She aint with me no more. That just sucks manxz. :(
Dance at NanHua was mkay, tho at some points i was on the verge of crying at the same time running around screaming CAN YOU PLEASE TALK IN ENGLISH I DONT UNDERSTAND A FUCKING THING YOURE SAYING STOP SCOLDING ME COS I DO NOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND.
I felt so damn lost.
In the end, whenever they dont talk in English i just stone cos i take it as they aint referring to me.
So yeah, after everything headed to Mac to eat and, done.
Of course, a lot more things happened but i dont wish to type em out.
I cant w8, 2 upcoming eventssss coming up yesssssahhhh! :B
Im really very fuckingly tired now no doubt bout wanting to sleep.
Ma hot hot homie's going off in three days.
Fuck that manxz, gonna die. ):
Alright im just damn fucking worn out right now.
Oh before i go heres a convo between me and Ezt last night.
Lin: i wanna go to california so bad lahhhhhhhh!
Ezt: huh okay ah. But California siaa. *pauses* Oh unless you want go South California ah where Ryan and Victor all there.
Lin: Yaluhh thats the point lah!
Ezt: the other California all what, drugaddict place sia.
Lin: you siao ah, go there get killed.
Ezt: Oh no lah mane tahu taste the drugs ke.
I wanna go to California so fucking bad, its gorgeous know.
Nights .

Yeah man this is what im fucking talking about!


At June 4, 2010 at 11:36 PM , Blogger Mirah Hamid said...

Been a while eh never go to your blogger. Haha! Nice post(s) ~ Tc.


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