hustleen :]

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Alright so my plan for the rest of the night is to watch the malay drama series Gelora Di Hati Sara later at 930pm and sleep after the show, say 1030?
Gotta save energy for tomorrow.
Mkay but before that, just wanna pen down daily thoughts ya?
Dont have to read it, my blog's just something to, well, yeah.
Pen down daily thoughts.
"If you look at things that you have to do in a different way, and you learn to enjoy it, and you tell yourself that you will enjoy it, you will find that life is much happier."
True that. ;)
Life hasnt been kind enough to give enough happiness.
Hasnt been granting me the wishes i made.
Hasnt been leading me to the paths or ways i should take.
Hasnt been giving me the right ones.
Has taken away alot.
Well, i just guess that its time i take lead of my life.
& yes, but life is giving me chances. Endlessly.
Mkay maybe not really.
But theres some things that i just have to leave and move on with you know? :)
If you keep holding on then you'll never go nowhere.
im 15 baby, theres so many fuckin things to take up and do and complete and just experience while i still can.
And truth is, i cant wait.
There is really alot of things in mind i wanna take up before, well, before Secondary School ends.
Im just really happy to finally be able to just stop holding on so long and just keep flowing on.
Just really happy to finally have the "its alright, theyre happy, let them be. Let them be happy for themselves, i dont need them to let go of their happiness so i can have mine. I can and will find happiness myself."
Thru every hardship there will be happiness.
But is it that difficult?
Is it true, what i said?
I think the hardest thing for me to lose is people.
I find that, in my life at least, i need alot of people.
I need them to save me from my own awkwardism, my own confidence, my own insecurity, my own disappoinments, my own everything.
Which will lead me to happiness.
Do you realize?
Theres alot of doors out there for me.
Its just the matter of whether i want to open them up or not.
Well yeah, so like i said before..
I may not have the things that makes me VERY happy and satisfied but at least, i have some of the little things that i need through tough times.
And you know whats the weird thing?
Sometimes, thinking back, the tough times are the times that really make me happy.
And Piano Pieces?
Who wouldve thought?
Wish i had the chance to take this up.
Just grow to love them.
Heres a piece.
Have a listen.
This one helped me thruout this post.
I hope you will then feel me.
And not ask anymore. ;)
Enjoi, goodnight everyone.
Have a good rest. ;)


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