hustleen :]

Saturday, May 16, 2009


yo :D
this post is for 150509 . :]

i went to school for 1 hour only .
paper was kinda cake .
went home , watched movie , played com .
thn ard 145 siap-ed . lol .
thn Atiqa texted me to come down .
so gyeahs i went down , met her .
we went to blk 230 to sk8 .
thn went to eat .
Atiqa lightheartedly treated me to a green apple ice blended .
thanks aye girl . :DDDDDD
kay , so yeah , we sk8 some more until it started raining .
so we went under my blk and sk8 until th rain ceased .
at five we headed to th bus stop .
we sk8 there until six .
haha , fun sia .
everytime a bus arrives and passes ,
Me & Atiqa will do the \m/ sign .
& everyone inside will turn and stare at us .
but inside th bus were like all oldies .
so boring , ahaks .
howeva ,
in one of th busses , HottiE'zzati alighted .
i was like , holy crap ?!.
then i asked her to sk8 but she dont want .
she wearing Vans alr . LOLLLLL .
ah , so yeah .
oh , & we saw Matthew at th other side of th road .
we waved to him , but he kept looking around .
he like so blur , but we still never give up , keep waving .
but he still look around . -.-!
so gyeahs ,
busses came , Atiqa took one of em .
homed at ard 630 .
showered , helped grandma out with a lil cooking , thn pengsan .
hehs , slept for 1 hour .
woke up and went online .
doing what i am nw .
i skate .
& i fucking love it .

rockin' up mtv .


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