hustleen :]

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Greetings ! :DD

today i woke up at 11am . :D
haha i received 3 texts from aidie .
he was asking if i wanted him to bring his board today not .
lol ehh . thn ard 12 he text again ask me meet him at bus stop .
cuz he wna sk8 .
and i was like , im not even ready yet , and i havent even bathe .
LOL :x
so gyeahs .
reached madr and he really brought his board .
since i was sitting at th far back of th classroom , he placed his board at my seat .
look ! :D

haha played with it .
thn he did the kickflip / ollie .
damn cool la can !
now i feel like skating .
he was like saying , he wanted to teach me .
but thn . hmpf .
thn we found out Nazatul lost her LG touchscreen hp & Aquila lost her cash .
waddaf right ?!
tsk tsk .
so yeah half an hour of freedom .
but i was quite emo uhh .
& Nadzirah kept asking me if i was okay .
thn she told me to not sad2 .
hahs . thanks aye babe . :DDD
uh-huh , homed afta that .

oh yes , had a small fight with her ytd . small i guess . haiyerr . you know how chilled i was at th 2nd convo last night ? you totally misunderstood me . you wanna see me happy right ? well , im happy when im with him . i know , i should stay away from these kinda people blablabla . but i know my limits , ive got a reputation alright . & when he says those things i know hes joking , he aint serious . he & i both know when to be serious and when not to be . and th reason why im still hanging on to him is cuz i lurve him . this aint a game , this aint a joke . if you dont know truth then you dont know love . i say i love and i mean it .

Kickflip three steps down .


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