hustleen :]

Saturday, April 25, 2009

greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetings .

flashback please .

today is 25th April 2009 .
how fast th days went ,
how fast th weeks went ,
how fast th month went .
why does time fly so fast ?
i MISS 250309 still .
i MISS 260309 still .
i MISS 270309 still .
haiyaa , why must last for 3 days onlyy ?
i miss those 3 days sooooooo effin much !
ohh how i miss th trainers .
& how bonded th class was .
this makes me wanna cry .
those 3 days were th best .
it was truly th best camp i ever had .
i rmb at th Night Walk , it was utter excitement . i screamed , i was afraid , but it was soo fun .
i rmb being soo high @ campfire .
i rmb singing , dancing , screaming , cheering at th top of my voice .
on th last day , i rmb crying my eyes out . cuz i knew i wld miss all of you .
i rmb looking up for you guys everywhere , anywhere .
a month have passed and i havent been seeing all your faces .
imy .
we all do .

okays soo today i sleeep until so shiok .
thn suddenly 930pm thr i got a sms by Kak Nadia .
she was alr otw like at amkhub .
wth , how damn near is that ?
woke up bla3!~
thn i went for madr alone .
haiyaa sucksxz .
thn got exam . hoho , copy copy copy ay !
vry hard sio ! seriously dk howta do .
thn 2nd paper also vry hard , like oral , only you had to write it down . open book , but still hard .
so gyeahs afta th paper Aidie came ovahh to my seat thr .
lol i texted him saying i wanted a skateboard . :D
thn i turn to him and said ;
thn he was like ;
diam ahh !
hoho , manu rocksxz gyahhs !
so Atiqah & i talked to this Hafiz dude .
lol .
afta dat i went home :D
am now otp with AtiqaDEYHH .
she alr modified her skateboard .
imma try asking for one tmr .
wish me luck ay .


Tak Mungkin Kasihku Berpaling .


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