hustleen :]

Friday, May 1, 2009

okay , i think imma start with th week all over again aye .

Monday , 270409 .
i was told , advised , to endure , bersabar and persevere .
& i believe i can .

Tuesday , 280409 .
was told about Swine Flu .
realized , " the more educated you are , the higher your expectations . "
i dont exepct alot from myself . hold on , yes i do . and thats because my education is , say , not good .
i mean , im not thinkg or doing things what an express student will do .
i dont study how express students do .
i think i do things like a Normal Acad student .
eh , im not saying that these students good/not good luh eh .
i just think that im not worth being express-erized .
oh yes , th class made noise .
& one of th teachers kept saying " this is not a democracy . "
Mrs Nathan showed us a video .
people were playing poker and th way th person held her cards , others could see them .
someone pointed it out , and Mrs Nathan said ,
" theres people who dont try to see , you see . "
i find that soo right .
i mean , why do people tend to think so negative so much ?
like , the first thing that comes to your mind is that one will look at another's in attempt to cheat .
but have you ever thought of others who dont ? who plays th game with honesty ?
well , i dont know bout me .
i tend to follow th flow .

Wednesday , 290409 .
NAPFA is all i can remember .
first up was Inclined Pull Up .
second was Shuttle Run .
third was Sit-Ups .
fourth was Standing Broad Jump.
fifth was Sit & Reach .
wna know th results ?
well , here you go .

ICP : 5
SR : 11.0s
SU : 66
SBJ : 150
SR : 32

haha for ICP i couldve done more but i totally gave up . totally .
for Shuttle Run , did my best . broke personal record . but im not really proud of it .
Sit-Up , broke personal record . & im proud of it . I DID NOT CHEAT .
for those who thought i cheated , why ? why in th world would i cheat just for sit ups ?
hehs , i mean , if you dont believe thn ask keshini lahh . or Amirah .
just cuz we're girls doesnt mean we cant do more than boys okay .
get a grip mansxz .
Standing B Jump , well , first try i jump thn tk terjadi . LOL , k nvm . at least i pass uh . hmpf .
Sit & Reach , i stretch like heck alr . LOL . okay okay uh .

yeah , thats about it .

Thursday , 300409 .
kept telling myself that its a ververy short day and then there'll be a long weekend .
haha , last period , Masri dropped somein and thn he screamed .
thn JL laughed .
thn Mrs Nathan asked , " JL , what happened ? "
thn JL replied , " Masri made a very gay sound ! "
so yeah was told to bring all books home , waddaf !
you know me uh , i leave all books in sku sio .
thnn , everyone also actually .
wahlauu , someone go remind cher ~ !
so yeah i got like 16 textbooks to bring home .
he helped to bring some of my books and sent me to canteen .
wished him goodluck for napfa .
homed .

Friday , 010509 .
stayathome day .
ate & ate .
chatted with afyyfah . :D
lol first talk bout my hoodie , thn suddenly jump into piercings .
hahaha .
& since i was at home , i watched Rock N' Style or somein .
three fashion rules stated :
1 . skinny jeans is for skinny people .
2 . no face piercings unless youre in a band .
3 . [ i forgot this one . ]

ahahaks ,
& , some people are just so selfish .
& i told Mom bout th problem .
she told me she'll help . :]
haha .
oh & happy birthday Glenn . :DD
how can i forget . xp

& 1st May , 930pm .
special day .
much lurve , goodluck ! :D

your name , it stays . <3


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