hustleen :]

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

hello .

Tuesdays a bitch so i stayed back till around three , went home , sang and sang and sang , and then went to sleep until six am the next morning . :D

Wednesday !
it was so much of a notso kinda bitchy day i guess ?
went to sku and stomach was giving problems . aching badly . headed to the toilet and found out why .
maybe thats why nowadays mood like crapsxz .
haha so yeah .
in th morning , Mrs Nathan asked where Daniel was .
thn somebody replied " kena quarrentine ! "
ahaks , thn there was somein wrong with Terry's temperature/thermometer and he was told to change into a reptile .
HAHA SO FUNNY ~ ! -.-!
i wna watch Nazi Germany . & 24 hours before Hitler's death . hmpf .
haha .
highlight of the day gotta be science man .
couldnt have Mass lesson , so Mr Izhar offered to take our class . thank God . xp
haha first thing he was asked was , " you last time police uh ? "
lol thn we were like " tell storyy ~ ! "
so he told us stories . funny sio the stories ! :DD
one of them right , he told us that he was driving this arrest-ee back to th station ar .
in th car .
thn dat arrest-ee smashed the car window and screamed " HELP ! HELP ! POLICE KIDNAPPING ME ! "
then got some construction fool believe and chased the car !
k , so got alot more ahh .
tp like not nice ah wna publicize .
hehs .
so gyeahs .
life in & after school is a shithole .
God , why do you have to put me in this situation now ?
haix . im tired .
& i have to seriously study esp for maths .
oh yah .
idk wads happening laa .
k la , whatever whatever whatever .
you want do , you do okay .
you want go , you go okay .
who am i siol ?
haha , nvm2 .
later my turn okaay !
fuck THAT .

& im happy go lucky .
gyeahs , thats about it ! :D

" & what ? i look at you , you look at me , we fall in love ? "


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