hustleen :]

Monday, April 27, 2009

& today i talked to Masri for like almost two straight hours .
talking bout how he could help me if my bro comes to mf .
he told me he'll teach him all th right things .
he told me he'll teach him discipline .
he told me he'll escort him to th mosque every friday for friday prayers .
he told me he'll teach him how to be a man .
he told me he'll try his best to make him a good person , a person of much use .
he told me he'll make him do things without needing to be told .
he told me he'll do his best .
he told me it will be hard .

yes , and he tried to help me with Maths ?
but i told him i caught no balls .
& in th end , he said ,
lol .
i HAVE tuition ~ !
so gyeahs afta sku i headed straight home .
exams coming up .

What is wrong with me ?


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