hustleen :]

Friday, May 8, 2009


Friday , 8th May 2009 was a fucking awesome day !

lemme tell you what happened .
well , th day started kinda sucky actually .

afta sku went down to meet Syamim , Ashiqin , Amirah .
ate cookies . lotsa them . :D
afta that Syamim , Amirah wanted to go cb mac .
Ashiqin went home i think .
Me ? i cabbed to Sengkang Buangkok ! :DDDDDDDD
went to aidie's place uh .
thn reach alr i fall asleep for like , 45mins [ ?!. ]
thn woke up Momma said go Sakura to eat .
so okay i went thr and we ate . i didnt realize i was so hungry until i started eating . xp
afta that went to da playground place thingy .
huhu , camwhored ~~ !
after ard 2hrs we went back up .

lappy-ed for awhile thn at ard 7pm aidie came back .
gyeahs so he told me hes doing kickflip alr .
i was like hecksxz ~ ?!.
thn i told him to show me .
thn Momma said we going home alr .
but in th end she let us go dwn :D !
so gyeahs went down then he sk8 until i like cnnt tahan alr .
so he let me play .
thn he teach me old school kickflip .
i do thn the board only turn 180degrees . -.- ?
tried3 then Momma said going back alr . haiyahh , so okay , went back up .
but thn aidie coming over to my place . woo ~ !
so he brought his board .
thn reach amk , we sk8 bwh blk .
pat .
hetic .
i still managed to do it .
aidie : wah , i took 2 weeks to do sei . you only take one day .
leen : one night .
aidie : chy wah ~ okaylah , fine , one night .
i was like so happy . -.- !

[ not exaggerating luh eh . ]
thn afta that i went up to put my bag and everything at home thn we went to th open space at blk 230+ .
thn i was like , " kay uh , aidie , my feet dah pedih . teach ollie , teach ollie . "
thn he teach . but i couldnt get the board to like jump . idk why .
we skate from like 830-1030pm .
Momma never scold sia .
i luv you Mum <3
Rusyaidi . :]
Rusyaidi . :]
Leen . :]
Dzulfadzli ! xD
Dzulfadzli ! xD
Leen . Missing da shoes man ! taken by Rusyaidi :]

kay , nights luvlies ! :D

& today , Lifes a Blessing . :)


At May 8, 2009 at 10:46 PM , Blogger EvilGummybear said...

Hi bby, i'm sorry for what happened ytd in skool k?
And you noe i always love you:D


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