hustleen :]

Friday, April 24, 2009

this post is for this date ;
230409 !
so my todays are yesterday which is the above date .
whatever that means .
idk how or why but alot of things happen today .
but theyre good things i guess ?
i hope .

so yes woke up as usual and went to school . lol .
LDEP first , was not bad .
Science was next . tio sabo .
recess .
MT .
haix . MT we had oral .
thanks ey , Zaki , you went for your sailing .
thn i become first .
wahlauu .
i panic sia i didnt do well AT ALL .
i keep going english and all th words dat cikgu went thru with us th day before i forgot .
sial ahh .
it just isnt fair .
i got the lowest and i almost cried .
stress siak .
History .
pretty much not much of anything at all .
Art .
escape to toilet , slacked .
school ends .
met up with Atiqa , as promised . :D
sat around till two fifteen pm .
thn left for Mac .
bought Double Choco Frappe :D !
thn headed to Atiqa's house .
before that saw her sister , kak Ain .
sexayhh ! lol .
thn reach her house , bawred .
so gyeahs decided to watch SweenyTodd .
hweva , she thn rmbed that shes got 4BIA .
so gyeahs we wanted to watch it but thn we found out her neighbor borrowed it ):
so we watched this Helen thingy .
shes a hindustani singer and dancer , i think ?
shake ay shake ! :DD
thn karaoke ~
Peterpans hawt . xp
THENN 4BIA and Syukri [ aki ] came .
so we turned it on .
so freaky la cns . xD
thn watching 2nd show Atiqa went ,
eh , i got my skateboard leh , you wna play ?
& i was like HELL GYEAHSXZ !.
so afta watching da 2nd show we went outside to skate .
first time i was scared uh ,
thn i tried , i almost fall sideways .
thn i tried again , i almost fall backwards .
LAWL , scaryy .
but thn at around my fifth try i already got da hang of it .
lawls , but we try to do anything cuz we were in like shortsxz and i wasnt wearing any shoesxz .
damn .
told Momma ill be home at ard 530pm but i left Atiqa's house at 6pm .
lol , quickly change back and walk home fast2 ! :D
Hairie offered to come down and all but i was like , err . nvm2 . heh .
k nvm .
reached home at ard 615pm .
not bad ay ? :D
duh , we camwhored .
how can we cant ?
pix in da next post :D

so gyeahs imma go off now .
Friday's gonna be a freaking longg day .
haix .

thanks so much ?.
know me too well alr .
i cant waste time so give it a moment .
i realized that nothing is broken .
youre in my heart just like a tattoo .
i love you .
im right here waiting .

All That I Feel Is The Realness Youre Faking .


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