hustleen :]

Monday, August 9, 2010

Not needed after all in the end ;)
NDP was awesome, didn't go anywhere, watched from home teevee but it was awesome as hell.. I kept talking about the uniformed groups and nebs and imi were like yaaaah yaaaah hahahahahaha! I think they were damn dope and motivating lah! Wow wow wow impressed I luv the army and the armypowerrangers guys were cute as hell... Hehehe.
And guess what?! SHIGGA SHAY WAS IN DA PERF. WTHECK! I swear I couldve gone mad he was just dope as hell and so damn fine. <3 :P
Sezairi performed and it was nice to see him singing, he just has this charm when he sings, you know, the half-smile and sexy chill voice (Y) ;)
& lastly Taufik. ;) Whats there to say? My favorite Singaporean, you can count on Taufik!. <3 <3 <3
I miss performing for ndp last year... But that's mkay.
Repping the nation this weekend!. Ya'll better watch out!. ;)
Nyts ladies and armyyy men ahahaha.
Nah kidding :)
I have this urge to tell someone that I miss that person. But I just can't figure out who. :(

Oh & I ain't gonna do anything.. I just hope you stop it and start respecting other people's work and stop ripping what the heck ain't yours to begin with. Why bother about you being me, when you can be yourself?. Think about it will ya?. :)

Yeah that's about it. Nights everyone.


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