Things you cant deny that you do too
Hows your day? :)
I am listening to NDP songs, how patriotic can i get hehe.
I love last year's song, you know why!!
Oh oh and Where I Belong too!! That song rocks ttm.
Today's Malay paper was pretty fine but i didnt elaborate on much so marks buybuy.
SS was a painnnn! I swear!. There was like no freakin enough time and my hand was aching. My handwriting in the first question was nice and when it came to the last one, it looked like some handicapped person who cant hold onto a pen properly's handwriting. I was gabra-ing ttm lah! Then when finishing i was trying to PAO the thing but then my knuckles were numb as hell then i pushed my forefinger back and there was a huge crackpop sound and it was pain as hell... Stups.......
POA im gonna fail... But i remembered the format.. I got confused with the numbers... Dumb as hell... Its just so frustrating when you know the answer and you couldve changed it but you didnt you know?!
I am waiting for maghrib.
Its so weird that this morning when Sharmini asked if i wanted an Oreo i actually said yes and it was already in my hands and i was about to break it into two when i remembered i was fasting.
Its also so weird that when Atiqa asked me to share her Mee Soto with her i almost said yes but then i remembered i was fasting.
Forgetful muchz.
Hahaha im Terry's Mum. :)
Heres some uhh weird pictures i took with Mum/Dad's lappy webcam...
Super weird..
Uber weird...
TOO weird....
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