hustleen :]

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wish i could draw in here.

T P & L A/C for year ended
Opening Stock (CR) Sales (DR)
Purchases (DR) Less returns inwards (DR)
Import Duty (DR)
Wages (DR)
Less returns outwards ( (DR) ) Gross profit b/d (CR)
Net Purchases (CR) Discount received (CR)
Cost of good available (DR) Interest on fixed deposit (CR)
Less closing stock ( (DR) )
Cost of goods sold (DR)
Gross profit c/d (CR)
Carriage outwards (DR)
Insurance (DR)
Bad debts (DR)
Wages (DR)
Discount allowed (DR)
Net profit (CR)

Balance sheet as at ___
Fixed Assets Owner's Equity
Premises Capital
Fixtures and fittings Add net profit
Fixed deposit Less drawings
Current Assets Long Term Liabilities
Stock Mortgage Loan
Cash Current Liabilities
Bank overdraft

Capital Formulae
1. Working Capital
= Current Assets - Current Liabilities
= ______

2. Capital Owned
= Total Assets - Total Liabilities
= ______

3. Capital Employed
= Total Assets - Current Liabilities
= ______

Omg omg omg hope this is enough :( :( :( :(

Dear POA, i hate you...... Maybe its because its really hard to pay attention in class, but all i actually have to do is memorize your formulas and know where to place the numbers. HOWEVER, its not as easy as it sounds. You are not confusing. You are not interesting. You are not like Math where formulas are memorized to apply. You are not like Biology where i have to memorize the things. You are just not my thing. :( Really, i hate you. I hate that you are so easy to score but i cant do it. I hate you.. I hate that i have to get better than a B4 on you.... :(

Dear SS, i dont even bother to type out your points or whatever you wna call it. You ARE interesting but memorizing you just..drains my brain cells out you know? I love writing out whatever i know on the paper, i love trying to convince the marker of my point, i love trying to show what the sources mean and i love writing what i know but when it comes to me that hurts the most. But i like you SS. At least youre interesting.......

& lastly, Dear Malay, please go easy on me, you know i love you most. :*

Nights everyone, good luck for all.

PS. Cant believe my sister met Katy Perry today while i got screwed in Math CT... :(


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