hustleen :]

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maybe not

Omg heart truly hurts right now.
Really. I swear it wasnt expected at all.
Learned how to always expect the worst so that next time it wouldnt hurt this much.
For once let us enjoy together, without her.
So damn unfair.
For once, let us just join in and be good in something.
For once.
I dont want to start hating this..
Can you imagine what are the possibilities?
I dont want her to take charge of this.
I can do it.
We both can do it.
This is not happening..
Even if she lets us take charge, everything is different.
Did i accidentally ask for something which God granted?
I dont understand.
Just when life was good, God has to make something happen.
Just when it was something that i enjoyed, that i felt important being in, it had to be cut off at the very last minute.
It was just so uncalled for.
Everything is going to be very different..starting from today.
Tell me how can something not be changed if my mind already did?
I mean, my mind is already set on a feeling, and that feeling's gonna stay.
I want to make the best out of everything but.
But i dont know whats best.
I am in so much pain omg..
I let it slip, swear i did.
Im not sorry.
That i dont look at her the way the rest of you do.
That the reason she is there is not the same as the rest of your reasons.
I am panicking.
Its so easy.
Yet so painful..
Its not easy..
It will be different.
Omg i dont know.
Omg stop thinking Lin pls stop thinking youre only hurting yourself.
Why God..
Why must you change something that is already happy..?


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