hustleen :]

Saturday, August 21, 2010


It has been exactly a week :)
I really miss everything about it.
Pictures and tagging and statuses and everything just keeps on reminding me about it.
I cant forget it.
I miss coming back home so late..
Like if today was last week,
i wouldve JUST reached school.
Forget it..
Anyway, havent been updating for so long.
Guess i just wanted the previous post to stay there longer so it didnt seem so long past..
Well, havent been so well lately.
Been sick since Wednesday..
High fever and throat infection.
Sounds so darn serious doesnt it?
Hahaha. Yeah, two days mc.
But its Saturday going Sunday and the fever still keeps on coming and going.
Its annoying and it kills, esp when youre fasting.
When all you really need is water for that throat..
But you have to tahan.
So yeah ive been in bed for the last four days or so.
Felt kinda good but then again, it hurts so bad~
Hope ill be well by Monday. I dont wanna be going to school like this.
Double up the die.
Been living on with Cactus, Lozenges, Antibiotics and i already finished my Anarex supply..
And the fever's still here..
Oh well.
Gotta train my white blood cells to fight harder!
Till then,
nights lurvers! Take all the care you need yeah!
P.S. I cooked Aglio Olio omg so yummy sia HAHA :P


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