hustleen :]

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

L .

Langkawi trip , 18th - 22nd June 2009 .

it goes like this .

1st day :
cried .
rofl, i know!
okey, woke up 530am, showered, prepared and everything.
left house 620am, waited for th big cab, and thn cabbed to Changi International Airport.
sixteen bucks seh.
so, nd thn @ airport we took th tix , and thn headed to T2 fr breakfast.
had? this crossaint burger thingy. superfilling.
here, my brudder, Iman found out that 1st Aunt was Granny's daughter.
roflmfao, dumbness~!
& thn it was alr, idk what time, so we headed back to T1, went into th departure place, had our passports checked and all.
aftr getting mine checked, i went to Momma and said "Ma! Dia tk chop!" like almost shockingly.
& Momma was like, "Huh? Mnr adr chop?!"
so thr was internet kiosk stuffs so me & HotNebs facebook/friendster-ed for abit.
yeah thn we quickly go to th gate and all. :]
thr was this girl in a miniskirt, spagetthi strap & hoodie carrying a huge Element bag.
wtf seh. but mine nicer ah, obvious. xP
so we reached th plane, i got th window seat! :D
yeah flight was 1hr20mins, of pure boredom w/your ears getting blocked, w/o music, w/o talking, w/o food, w/o drinks, w/lotsa boredom and sunlight.
but surprisingly 1hr20mins seemed to zoom pass very quickly.
we landed nicely nd went to get our chop and thn took our baggages while Dadda toook th keys to th rented car.
went to loook fr hotel, founded and checked-in.
got a welcome drink, which made my throat itch.
thn we found out that to get to our rooms, we hafta take this shuttle bus.
or, as we prefered to call it, a Buggy.
when Dadda/Momma said "gi call buggy!" i thought was like, buggee?
rofl. yah.
after checking out da hotel, we carried on w/our journey.
went, Makam Mahsuri.
so yah, afta Makam Mahsuri we went to Langkawi Parade to shop fr groceries.
LOL AH. we shopped fr groceries until rm100+.
power kann~! yeah thn head bck to hotel.
slept pretty early.
yeah thats all fr th first day.
oh yeah, me & HotNebs also camwhored w/what we found in th Mini Bar.
go have a loook!

2nd Day :
woke up at ard 8am+, showered and siap-ed.
went dwn to Dayang Cafe or wtv fr breakfast.
fuyoooh! i had like, 2 rounds?
1st ; Waffles , French Toast & Maple Syrup + Guava Juice .
2nd ; CoCoKrunch[?] & HoneyStars + White Milk .
eh, sedap sehh!
rofls, uh-huh, so thn we headed out to th Cable Car.
eh best peh?! haha, while waiting, i looked up at th CableCars hanging and said "eh, like scary pulak."
thn Dadda looked at me and said, "you okey not?"
thn he started to comfort me, but we all know he was just trying to comfort himself.
so yeah, we on it and all. walked at the JAMBATAN GANTONG! [inside joke]
you guys should watch the video lah, lazy to saysay, haha.
okey, afta CableCar, went to th Boat thingy.
yeah we Boat-ed around th waters.
th place where we started was called, Tanjong Rhu River?
haha yeaaah, thr were signs saying, Welcome To Tanjong Rhu.
coool eh? rofls!
so yeah Boat-ed to some Mangrove Swamp place.
thn to th Crocodile Cave. wooohoo! gelap uh, but th Boat Guy snapped us two pictures.
nice! nd, ofcz, there were no Crocodiles.
whn we were entering th Cave i turned to th guy and was like "th Cave is not like, long/far or wtv kan?"
nd he was like, "nono, its very short :)"
hahah, yeah i was feeeling kinda sick.
nose started to be a waterpipe and my head was like spinning.
Momma asked if i was okey and i said yeah.
haha, but if you see th vid, it was pretty clear that my face was pale and i looked damn pained.
so yeah thn it started to rain so we were held up at some weird floating hut.
thn we got bored to we Boat-ed to a floating restaurant called, Hole In The Wall.
ate Lobster, first time yo! sedap ah.
i wasnt feeeling that hungry but i ate hell lot.
total cost of food was like, rm200+?
Dadda said "Hole In The Wall? more like Hole In My Pocket!"
so yeah, stopped raining so we Boat-ed towards the Cave of Bats.
afta that, we went back on th Boat, w/our lifejackets on nd headed towards Sea. :D
thn we saw an island w/th shape of a shoe.
nd thn he Boat Guy pointed towards this island-ish place. was hazy so couldnt see well.
guess what?
that island-ish place was THAILAND.
coool or what right?! he said we could reach there in like 45mins. hoho, coolshit!
so gyeahs i was like listening to Davaj Davaj all th way until we reached Tanjong Rhu River, where we started.
Dadda gave Boat Guy tips, and Boat Guy loooked super shocked.
cute seh. Me & HotNebs laughed our lungs away~!
thn off to Langkawi Craft Complex.
boring uh!
afta tht we sat outside LCC & decided where to go. i didnt want to go back to th hotel, so i was like, go here! go there!
rofl, in th end off to Langkawi Fair.
had McDonalds, Beefburger. thn walk around, bawringg! almost bought Levi's skinnies but changed my mind.
went to th directory and saw..
bought SubCrew & Etnies shirt.
like, happy ah!
saw Fallen shirt, wanted to buy fr Aidie but was like rm100+.
so yeahs went back to hotel at ard 9pm+, ate Maggi Curry halfway w/Pepsi & fell asleep.
camwhored too, i think.
thats it fr th day!

3rd Day :
breakfast 3 rounds.
1st : Nasi Lemak + Mango Juice.
2nd : Waffles & Pancakes & Maple Syrup + prev. Mango Juice.
3rd : CoCoKrunch[?] & HoneyStars + White Milk.
sedap, AGAIN!
thn off to AgroTech place.
alot of fruits ah, taste taste taste.
TourGuideWoman : [pointed towards Me & HotNebs ] nie dua kembar eh?
HotNebs : YAH!
TourGuideWoman : ohh~
Me : [ turned to HotNebs with -.- face ]
LOL UHH. coool kan~?
best part bout this was like, there was this fucking cute Japanese Guy.
okey, so he was like pretty old ah, but fucking cute, sumpah!
i snapped some pix secretly.
he was like wanting Durians so much and he gave us Mangosteens.
cute sehhh~! xP
yah, thn headed to Underwater World.
thn shopped.
back to hotel.
Maggi & Pepsi again, watched our day's vid.
slept th earliest again, ofcourse.
thats it.

4th Day :
3 rounds of breakfast, same as above.
bascially, today we just shopped, ate, thn went to find Cakes, fr Fathers' Day.
thn head to Langkawi Fair for th skate shirts, but dont have ):
so went to buy Fathers' Day Cake, went back hotel.
swam, taught my brudder Iman to swim.
lol, okey la he. in th end can swim uh.
why eh?
okey, thn went back hotel, bath-tubbed. nice seh!
eh fun peh!? seriously, fun ah!
we like, recorded ourselves and all.
watch th vid ah, funny seh~!
ate th Cake, thn watched our vids, & i slept .
thats all!

5th Day :
woke up fucking early, at bout 7am?
lol, okey, maybe not so early, but still.
showered, prepared all, left hotel, checked out, headed to airport.
breakfast some weird sandwhich @ KennyRogers'.
walked ard, went into Gate.
took off @ 11am+-, reached Spore at ard 12pm+.
cabbed back to amk.
home sweeet home ah.
eat Granny's cooking, sedap oii!
back to normal Singapore life.
fuckingg sad~!

pictures tmr.
too many pictures.
take your time uh keh!
congrats, Leen.
you managed to type everything, lols!
&, fr my RockEvolutionPhanography pix,
plz vote ah, which one i should put as REP, keh?
i'll try to put tagboard, if cnnt thn too bad.
comment/text/msn me.
thnkx, love you guys!


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