hustleen :]

Monday, June 22, 2009

back (:

hey people .
sup , whatve i missed ?

okey , so obviously im back .
yes , i am .
unfortuantely all good things come to an end .
so gyeahs my fucking good vacation just ended & tmr 8am , it will be back to my dance life .
yup , all th way to Sunday .
AYG performance exactly one weeek from now .
not prepared , duh .
hols moood .
so yes , to keeep myself indulged ,
firstly every morning , i will suffer @ AYG training .
nd afterwards i'll go on to skate .
woohoo ~ !

& so many things happened while i was away ?
*******e , fuck you , you dont know anything , you might as well shut your fuck up .
da jealous , cakap jer uhh .
nd , tk payah nk bilang boyf aku .
okey ?
*******a , you too . diam2 sudah girl .
tkmo anyhow shoot about my bestf .
okey ?
hmm , what else .
oh yah !
to all haters in general uh eh ,
what is this seh ?!
please la , krg tkmo mchm tk knl dyr uh .
everyone pon adr sendiri punye attitude ,
mooodswing ,
etc .
aku bukan carik sympathy tapi ,
please ah .
grow up , dont be so childish nk kwn tk nk .
okey ?
thanks , love you guys .

pictures & descriptions & post on Langkawi trip will be next .
so , drop by in , say , at most 48 hours ?

Ciao ~ !


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