hustleen :]

Sunday, June 7, 2009

hi .
keh , full update nw . :D

Friday went fr dance , ofcos .
yeaa , best to th max ~ !
in th bus otw there , laughed alot .
me & Atiqa had th same mindset .
& hell yeah it was ah !
it was fucking full of laughter !
best best .
thn Jade Seah came as well ~ !
shes hot man , hot !
gyeahs , wasnt interviewed but its okeh! :]
so yah , lunch was good seh . yumm ~
k thn waited , th media came and we had to perform once more .
this time th sun was like alr full ah , as in covering th whole court .
so when we stepped , it was like bluuudy hot !
so all of us kept on like , jumping ?!
ahahahhas ! k , it was th funniest thing .
& my group talked and laughed and all ah when waiting .
bestttttt !.
gyeahs reached sku at ard 6pm , homed , changed , headed to Kallang ~ !
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y M I M I !
best ah , but i was like damn sleepy .
so while waiting i slept .
then eating time i wake up , like so damn awake ah .
eat eat eat eat eat .
finish eating thn sleepy again .
so i slept fr like 1hr+ .
thn woke up .
i turned to Momma and mumbled , "Ma , later go home take cab uh."
and she was like , "okeh~!"
imysm b .

& on Saturday ,
two words keep ringing in my head .
William .
Tuesday .
woohooo ~ !

i wna skate ah .

& Nah . pictures .

rofl different ?
ahhhhhhh randommmmm ~ !
random number two .
hahah nie kirekan sweet uh ~ xp

& im too lazed to edit . so yah .

omgsxz ~ ! im melting melting melting ! ahhhhhh !

Misfits <3


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