hustleen :]

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

bace ah situhh .

Sup all the sexy people of the world !

Tuesday morning , went fr dance .
woo ~ !
b to the e to the s to the t !
best uh katerkan . \m/ !
learned AYG finale .
haha very AYG-ish .
but okay ah , best .
afta dance went down to skate w/Amirah , AtiqaDEYHH .
& thn sent AtiqaDEYHH home ,
thn we went to eat @ LJS .
Sam texted me askg where we were headg to , ahaks , cuz he saw us w/our decks .
thn i askd him , nk join ?
but thn he thought i was telling him i wanted to join him . -.-
he gg tamp and i was like , that'll take forever .
so Amirah & I went ard AMKHub looking fr bandannas ?
hweva its spelled , ahah .
dont have . ):
so gyeahs we were lookin fr a place to sk8 .
thn we remembered amk mrt .
woooooooh ~ !
saw like five skaters there ?
Amirah & I were like fcking excited , rofl !
so we sk8 all th way there , thn sk8 sk8 sk8 .
thn went to Mac & bought 1dollar coke .
lol i didnt even know such thing exist !
thn sk8 to carpark & sk8 .
thn homed , ahah .
slept all th way .
tired uh sia .

Wednesday morning , went fr dance .
hoho , quite ahkay lah . \m/
thn off to sk8 @ amk mrt .
nobody thr . ):
so gyeahs we explored where da skaters were skatin' at .
eh cool ahh .
they make this place thingy where they can ollie over or somein .
yeah , fascinated .
skaters pon pandai , you see .
pffffffffffft !.
kk , thn AtiqaDEYHH ajak go soccer .
malas .
2pm went to Mac to drink 1dollar coke .
thn AtiqaDEYHH came . i took a bite of her GoGo thingy .
so afta dat i went to buy it .
ohya , asked ______ bout ahem .
mooooooood totally went bad rabak to the max !.
Amirah talk also i sarcastic .
sorrey uh babe !
gyeahs , close to tears sio .
im not that bodoh lahh sial .
k stop it Leen .
sk8 back to amk mrt .
saw skaters .
thn they went to th place we went earlier so we watched .
cool uh sia .
they were like taping what they were doing .
fucking awesome ah .
balek , online , sampai skg .
okeh , my eyes cannot tahan .
nights ah people .
2 more days to dance then rest .

oh ya , this shoe also i like .
osiris , i think ? heh .



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