hustleen :]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lil' Leen

okey, so sup sexays?!
beeen sk8ing since forever yeaa!

ah, that day kol Ancha Skater.
was like late mlm ah.
thn he main th song like seram.
yeaa, th starting of th song was like, yknow, mengilau?
or wtv. thn dah lepas he go press replay.

L : eh stop it ah, asl adr bunyi tuu?.
A : lagu dia mmg gitu peh, apr nk buat?.
L : alah, okey ah okey ah!
A : alamak, terpicit alek!

A: eh! you suker baron?
M : yarhh ~
A : ey sibok ah!
M : [lols, my reaction was like, terperanjat.]

funny ah.
yah thats all.

oh oh oh!
baaaaaay ~ b ,
you keep saying you forgive because you love me.


ini sk8er aku rindu gila babs.
biler nk sk8 lagy ah?



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