hustleen :]

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hey kids.
Just wanted to try it out.
Havent been feeling the need to post lately.
Computer's like a drug.
Everytime i sit in front of it, i get all sleepy and all.
Weird huh.
Even weirder to think im weird.
Or maybe the computer's weird..
Ahh whatever.
Life's been fine lately. Pretty crazy.
Never really wanted time to fly faster, but am now.
I mean, i dont know..
Purposely typing out whatever im thinking.
Oh yeah, there was a YOG tribute thingy at assembly this morning.
Of course, what i expected to appear/not appear did appear/not appear.
But it mkaay it dont matter!.
Those captured in the heart are more important. :)
Ive been having dreams lately, weird dreams.
All of them AFTER sahur, BEFORE sahur i have no dreams. :/
Let me share them with you since uhmm.
1: I was on one end of a floating thing on top of, duh, water. Like a river.
Megan Fox was on the other end and i had to cross to get home or something.
To cross, i had to step on a huge rock and a cone alternately..
And the thing is..i was wearing high heels.
Like how on earth was i supposed to jump/step on the wet and slippery cones right..?!
The huge rocks still can uh. But the cones..
What on earth was i thinking before i slept?!
Anyways i reached the other side safely only to find i had to do it again..
2: I was at this some kind of Water Park, you know, like wild wild wet or something.
But this place, this WP, there was something different about it.
The moment you pass the gates, the whole place is just water, waters and water.
Like just this huge open space filled with water that fills up to my head or something.
I was floating ok.
Its so weird, i remember being there with Atiqa and Masri.
It was late at night and we were hanging by the entrance.
Then this tour guide or someone brought us to this grass patch where there was this cage with a statue around/inside it.. And like two people "guarding" the cage+statue.
He told us we could ask anything, so we did.
When we were done, we turned to walk away.
Then our tourguide guy told us that the cage+statue+people would be gone by the next morning..
Nobody could find out why or who they are or how it happens.
And, believe it or not, i turned and the cage+statue+people were REALLY gone.
Like just a grass patch.
So we went home and the next morning, we came to the WP again.
There was also something about the WP that was just so awesome and fun and we just had to go there again day after day after day.
So i remember giving the ticket and entering the WP.
Stepped on the waters and felt it gushing into my Everlast shoes.
Turned around to face Masri, causing myself to lose my balance and sort of fall back and part of my ponytail got wet..
Ran towards the main water part..
and i woke up.
3: My family rented a hotel, more like a house, to stay in.
I had a freaking huge room, super gorgeous, high in the rooftop. Somewhere there lah.
One window, curtains pushed aside, faces a huge swimming pool, the lobby, trees and sea.
Another window, curtains closed, faces trees, totally just trees and nothing else. Like a jungle. But just..trees. And some other chalets..
There was a balcony, it was GORGEOUS i tell you. When i step out, i see the swimming pool, i see a stage i see a stage with water in it.
I recall taking off my shirt without caring whether the people outside could see me or not lol.
Then i was called out, so i went out.
Suddenly we reached a stage, a new stage filled with water to my ankles but slightly higher, and there were the girls in the costume..
It was the YOG performance.. :/
We performed once.
And then the very next day, i went there again.
At night, alone. I was walking and i found Amirah, Norliana, and some others in their costumes again, onstage.
I went up to them and asked why they were there.
They told me they were called to dance..again.
To perform again.
And i was not.
I asked why and they replied only the Normal stream needed to dance.
I was like okay..
And i sat beside them and watched..
I was sad but..
I was proud.
4: After madrasah or something.
Headed to KFC, to meet up with Atiqa.
Saw some friends not fasting lol, eating KFC and all.
And i suddenly craved for McSpicy.
I told Atiqa to wait for me while i walk over to McDonalds.
So i did, and man was it full, totally packed and the ques were so darn long.
So i went to this other outlet.
This one's huge, like a skatethru, drivethru, walkthru everything thru McD.
But the que was damn long too. I asked a random women where the entrance was and she said she didnt know.
I walked around and then found only two more people in front of me to order.
When it was my turn, i saw this guy from Freekzy Nutz and Carlos from Step Up 3.
Weird i know!!!!!!
They looked at me oddly.
I went up to the order woman and ordered my McSpicy..
Then i started to ask about this dance competition.
I recall the woman telling me "The McDonald's club will close at 3pm onwards, where it will then be a play ground for the kids till night."
Weird to the max!!!!!!!!!!!
So when i finished, i walked away. The McD was high, like the Indoor Sports Hall in school.
It was noisy with music, it was a temp club like that.
Freekzy Nutz guy just stared at me all the way while Carlos guy followed me.
He made funny zombie-ish movement behind me.
I ran back to KFC, hoping Atiqa would still be there.
She was.
Carlos knew her too.
So we chilled.
It was just too weird..
5: School, after assembly. Spotcheck, class by class, by VP. I tucked in my shirt so super high.
Atiqa's partly dyed hair didnt get caught.
Everything was fine so went back to class.
Only it was not a class.
We were separated to rooms/roommates and i had a Crescent girl as my roommate.
I was texting this guy.
Why so many dreams?!
Why so many dreams involving WATER?!
Ohh myyyyyyyyyyy.
Really creepy, and why do i keep recalling them?!
Why no dreams before sahur, and all these weird creepy dreams only come after?
Personally, id rather have no dreams when i sleep.
I pray that i wont have any dreams.
Cuz i believe that when you have no dreams when you sleep, youre at peace.
& if you do have dreams when you sleep, youre troubled.
I choose to believe so.
God, i am so waiting for a chance.
I have been waiting, hoping, praying.
I have been wanting the unexpected to happen.
But nothing is happening.
Except for the fact that i get all tired and itchy and whiny and pimples... :(
Thank God for the holidays this week.
Gotta find what i need.
Love this song.

Goot night lurvers, rest well.


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