hustleen :]

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I just dont wanna

So many and i mean SO MANY embarrasing things happened today.
At Malay at PE at English at Dance.
Malay >
Cikgu: D, Kaca.
Lin: *looks at Atiqa*
Atiqa: *looks at Lin*
*Both starts laughing*
Cikgu: Kenapa? Awak letak apa?
*Everyone laughs*
Mkay obviously you guys dont understand take it as an inside joke hehe.
PE >
I was defending a cone and then the ball suddenly flew towards me and it was supaa high and then the way i wanted to hit it was like i was umm. Kay imagine it as tapping both hands on the table like right left right left. Then do it in the air above your head. Yes like that. It was either cuz im too short or, like they said, i was doing a "new dance move" haha :P
English >
Was talking to HuiyiBuffgooiey aka Huili and then Mr Ahmad appeared at the door and he was pointing my way and apprently i was the only malay girl in the klaz i thought he was gna ask bout Saturday or what so i pointed to myself in a "you asking for me?" kinda way and he was nodding and i went "Eh me uh?" to Huili and she was like yah!!
SO i stood up and walked like six tables in front of me and then i saw Terry run out to him and Mr Ahmad went out with him. And i froze. So he wasnt asking for me. Everyone laughed and i was like OH SNAPPPPP!!!!!!
Yes English was really very awesome CUZ i talked to Huili thruout. Till we got scolded to sit separately. So we did. Then Huili dragged her table all the way to mine. And we still talked and laughed. HAHA.
Oh and in Geography, teewhy came into class i suddenly turned to Nena and went "EH HE VERY CUTE LEH!."
And i got a "Whats your problemmmmmm hahaha!."
Do you like your notes online?
Nah, we like them printed. :)
Dance today.
Malay Dance, training for SYF starts.. :) Me likey.
Taught the rest the Mak Inang Pulau Kampai routine.. like almost two years ago.
Back when i was still skinny and my face was less cheek-ish. :(
Lol we sort of forgot some of the steps already but it was mkay. :)
After Malay Dance Amirah taught me abit of the What It Is rountine.
And, dayumnnn, so hard for me to catch!!
Im nervous reallll nervoussss :(
Am i still sad?
I aint sure man.
Nervous maybe.
Perhaps cuz.
Just when my heart made its choice,
it has to let go.
Well, thats quite alright...
Hehe i feel so stupid tho.
Eyecandy lah! (Y)

Shes amazing, just truly amazing.


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