hustleen :]

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dare to be ugly

Yesterdays training was helluva tiredom. Mkay no such word..right?
Yeah was dying but was fine after dinner.
Slept pretty early but not early enough duh..
Today passed pretty fast.
English class, was the powerpoint presentation thang.
I didnt do :(
So names were called at random and FOR SOME REASON mine was called :(
Impromptu ttm.
So i spoke whatever points i got from Tessa and whatever points i had been thinking of and i think i did pretty well.
Well, i just think that it wouldve been much MUCH better if i had a slideshow with pictures of MY idols. :)
Oh my topic was Pop Culture.
Thank God XiaoWei (i think) had presented on that before i did cuz i really didnt really know the definition and she defined it perfectly, and so, BAM!, i memorized it in case i had to present HAHA :P
So yeah i love my idols teehee.
Mkay so movin onnnn.
My arms my back my butt my legs my feet my toes really REALLY hurt right now :(
HAHAHA, i need to keep on working out sweat. ;)
Mmm, i really REALLY think that ANYTHING is possible.
And if you want to achieve SOMETHING you gotta start FAST like NOW.
Dont wait!!
And if you wanna be good at something you gotta TRAIN HARD.
I believe everyone can do it. :)
Go Lin go!! :D
Mkay im gonna bake some oreo cupcakes.
Tomorrows gonna be a loong day.
Take care lurvers ;)
Lin: Like, im sure everyone knows, the song by Katy Perry, I Kissed A Girl. And i think thats ummm.... (7 second pause) wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrong..?
Everyone: *laughs*
Lin: *in my mind* uhhh shitttt.
HAHAHAHAHA thanks guys.


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