hustleen :]

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Debug console

Why is it that all the heck things happen at one heck of a time, one really heck of a time where i am just filled
with exhaustion and lack of sleep and everything i ever needed but ive got an excess, overflow of what i WANT instead?
Why is it that i always have to choose, but everytime i already did, its a wrong choice?
Why is it that sometimes i even let other people make the choice for me?
I am letting my tiredom take over myself and my thoughts, and i see the others looking fine and fresh and happy. Why am
i calling it unfair?
Am i really committin in too much events and stuff?
What about when all these events and stuff ends, what would i be doing then? Would i be lazier?
Why am i forcing myself tho i am physically and mentally weak these days? Why do
i keep challenging myself?
Why cant i look on the bright side although my
mind is set on positive?
Did you know that my time isnt even?
Did you know that i have not been spending time with my family, and instead i spend
more time trying to spend more time for those who doesnt appreciate?
Did you know that i dont even have time for myself?
Why are you testing me by giving and letting me do
what i want and not why i need?
Is it because of how i took advantage of it all
Im full of questions dont you see?
I fear the worst; to fall deeper than i wanted
to, you know that?
I fear the worst; to have absolutely no time for myself, you know that?
I fear the worst; no understanding at all, you know that?
Why is it that i hate it so much when people are not tjere
for me when i need them, when i myself never did either?
So it really is true huh?
To know me is to care for me; now tell me, is this really too much to ask?


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