hustleen :]

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Now youre the first to know.

"This" (refer to previous post) went pretty fine.
Waking up early is a heavy chore, really.
Mandai Hill Camp was like..whoa.
Super army manxz!
The flag lowering thing was like cool.
They blew trumpets i think HAHA.
Alot of funny shit happened but i forgot i guess..
Lunch Swiss Rolls Dinner PQ78 PAI PAJ Pants too low Shirt too small Big fat ass Big fat tummy Eye Smile McCafe Coffee Alert Pass The Virus Future Earth Soulmate Shirts Dark Pickup Ultimately cute hotties.
Tomorrow breakfast with Amirah yay.
Tyson is one bad ass singer.

& he is ultimately sexy.

He kinda looks like boyfriend. (refer to previous previous post)
HAHAHA, ok im lying. :P
Bout the boyfriend part ah duh.
But me likey.


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