hustleen :]

Friday, April 23, 2010

On Ya

Sahibba after school, was pretty fun. ;D
Mama picked me up after school cos it was raining.
In the end Mama wanted to wait for Iman so i went back with Atiqa first.
We laughed like crazy manxz, her purse kept dropping, i keep "scooping" her head with the umbrella, we laughed till we had to kneel down, her hand hit my teeth like oh my goddeness damn ultra funny.
When i reached home it felt like i just finished Kayaking.
Schooled, survived POA.
I love Chemistry alot lot lot. ;D
After school went back home. At around one thirty went out with HottiE'zzati for Briefing.
We were running late hehe. Trained to Dhobyghaut or however its spelled hehe.
Walked to Old School. Ezt warned me bout the stairs earlier but i thought it couldnt be that bad but when i saw it, whoa, totally changed my mind. Took off shoes and ran up.
Kept on laughing!! Hahahah. So yes, i was panting like mad and i choked on my own saliva and ended up coughing like mad but seriously kaki longgar want to die. Like anytime kaki can just jelly and i fall back down the stairs. Hahaha.
So reached the top and tried to breathe normally so that when we reached it didnt seem like we were running or whatever. Reached the place, unsure where it was tho.
Found it.
M > Which schools are you from?
L & E > *looks at each other*
E & L > *at the same time*
Not schooling.
Mayflower Sec.
M > Oh, Asian Youth Games?
L > Uhmm, i was dancing.
Met two new people, Shirin & Izzati. Theyre funny and wild too. Hehehe.
After briefing, went to eat with them at KFC.
Walked back to Dbgt mrt, bought my brownies @ P.OSH BROWNIES.
& what a teenchi world, i recognized the girl almost immediately.
She was the judge from Sahibba competition @ MI.
HottiE'zzati wanted to apply for a job there cos they were recruiting. I bought two brownies.
Trained to Somerset.
Train was fuckingly full and i already entered.
I look at Ezt standing outside the train, wanting to enter but at the same time unsure.
I hear the "doors closing"
I grab her arm and fucking pull her in and push everyone behind me hahahahaha!!
Panic ttm, seriously.
It was like almost watching her getting squashed by the mrt doors.
Doors close and we kept on laughing, thank God it was only one stop.
Doors open and we run out.
Went to Orchard Central to check out Recognize! or something.
Yeah was pretty cool. ;D Snapped two pictures but i was unhiphoperized.
Heh heh.
Yeaperdy, sat to eat brownies. Whoa fucking yummy i tell you hehe.
Called Amirah to ask directions to Penin.
Ended up back at 313.
Ezt bought shoes and i bought a sweat parka.
We had helluva good time there yeah ;D
Trained back to amk and went home.
Gonna go 313 again tomorrow.
So how was your day?
Stay happy mkay guys?
Like the 3 guys in the picture above. HAHAHA.
Cos when youre happy, you make others happy too.
Kay actually i dont believe that lah but, yah.
Nyts luvaas.


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