hustleen :]

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The clouds

Ehhh my godddddddd!
Ungu's concert on 24th, i soo wanna go if you dont like Ungu then you suck!
Ungu's awesummeeee. (Y)
Lurve them muchxz ;D
Ahhh my goddddddd!
All Time Low's Remembering Sunday never fails to touch me.
Always been able to reach out to the sensitive side.
Alright, im really seriously just hating myself for not being able to control my own eating habits. Yes, been hearing lotsa "banyak nyer mkn~" and "pipi dh naik~" Erghh wtf, damn damn bringing my confidence down. Yeaperdy, been controlling myself, i promise to only eat two sandwhiches a day, and i promise to try to exercise more and sleep less. Yes yes i know, it sucks cos every afternoon its raining and i cant do a shit and when i cant do a shit, i tend to go to sleep. & no NO N O fast food, yep, none at all until im satisfied with myself. Ahh this sucks helluva lot. I just really really detest myself for realizing it now, thinking that it was mkay what were you thinking!! And no, this time its not cos im obsessed with my weight or whatever it really is freakingly true im not anorexic or whatever it really is true!! I cant believe im even freaking posting about this. Im just really really frustrated and, people, can you please dont fucking observe my eating habits cos its soo disturbing. Ahh fuck man. I must must must. And you know whats the worst thing ? Right now, yes right now, i find myself looking forward to tomorrow's breakfast.
Yeah i cant wait for Sahibba tomorrow and Thursday. I cant wait for Friday, im nervous but yeah, i cant wait. Busy weeks plus exams. More more more things pls pls pls come to me i want to keep my mind off things and i wanna keep active HAHA. So if got anything tell me ya ;D NAPFA tmr, PullUps' gonna be a killa.
Nyts lurvers.
Oh yeah, a favour please, when you guys text me or anything please leave your name yeah? I kinda lost some 97% of my contacts.
"Her handwriting so nice, how she write like that sia?!"
"Use Microsoft."
"TSK! =.="
Last last.
I found myself looking at your name.
I can still wait eh hahahaha!
Bodoh punyer Lin.
I still like you.


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