hustleen :]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Like vanilla in my milk tea (:

I draw open the curtains and enter a small room. It is dark except for the table, lit by a small desk lamp; Joker is seated, holding a pack of tarot cards. Joker cuts and shuffles the cards and spreads them out facedown before me. “Pick one,” he tells me. “It’s your future.”
“What if I don’t choose?” I say.
“That’s a choice too,” he answers.

- Joker by Ranulfo

Everybody should grow up.
Because every single bloody thing changes with time.
It doesnt matter what an awesome time youre having.
It doesnt matter what an awful time youre having either.
All those things are going to change.
You suffer or enjoy first, thats all i know.
Everybody gets their fair share of anger/disappointment/enjoyment/happiness.
Its just how you fucking handle it.
So grow up, seriously. You need to accept the changes.
Make the best out of it.
Now tell me, what will time do with this?
I fucking love William.

Be like this octopus.
Haha ok. I find it funny actually. But, yeah.


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