hustleen :]

Monday, December 14, 2009

im sorry but i have to break this down to you ):

Holy cowwww the peanut+sugar balls are stuck in my throat goddamnit i shouldve known!!! Cant resist itttttttt, its just so sweeeeeeet and mmmmmmmmmmm!
Kay whatever. HAHA.
Yeah just came in to say that. I gotta shower soon. Mama told me she wld buy ikan pari cos i told her i will cook asam pedas today but she cant find ikan pari ): so yeah off she went to make Nyai's something something but she'll be back late. Haiy, wheres my ikan pari. Craving know!!!
Off later at around 4 for tausuan date with Atiqa.
then report to schoool, etcetc. 10pm will be back. Reach thru ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell yeaaaaaa ? :D
I hope the dinner wld be gd, i mean its gonna be held in this posh kinda place right? Hope its awesome, hope i get to partner Atiqa. Nyehahaaaaaaa!
OH AND LAST NIGHT WAS LIKE WHAAAAAT THEEEE. i lay on my bed and texted Atiqa & Baby goodnight. And then my eyes like idk why looked up and i saw a fucking cockroach. i immediately stood and up and went HOLY CRAP!. ahahahha then went out and texted them two poeple back LOL. I tried to fucking spray it with pesticide or whatever but i spray until half of the fucking cockroach turned white cos i sprayed too much and it was like crawling over my headpillow. was like the fuck?!?! HAHAHA. then my bear and tortoise and headpillow also turned white. So was like asking, shld i sleep sofa or beside papa. In the end, i slept at sofa for like 1 hour and then continued on papa's bed. LOLLLLL. Badan sakit. Need my bed. Totally paranoid for the night. I think tht happened cos i disturbed a lizard bfore gg to sleep the night before. Haiy. Oh well.
Ok gotta shower. Update bout wtv happened tmr.
Bye. Love you guys. (;


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