hustleen :]

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Hey (:
So yesterday was a pretty blaaast. ^^
Classmates were hot *winks*
Skip to the end kay.
After musical, head to eat w Atiqa.
Laughed alot, duh.
And thn i wanted to buy milktea so we walked over to the shops.
Then i saw a cat, it was like eating.
Then me, with the phobia of cats, screamed.
And the cat's reaction was likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HAHAHAHAHHAHAA.
Seriously, thn theres this girl who was like "Eh, lemah smangat aku~" or something.
And i was like, hahahaha kuching tuuu!!!
Then we laughed and walked awaay.
Then while walking to the bus stop we were already laughing like heck.
& then i felt like i stepped on something and it cracked. Like seriously.
I thought bout what i mightve stepped on.
Glass? But i dont feel anything sharp.
Plastic? I heard the crack haha.
In the end i had a sensible answer in my head.
So when Atiqa stopped laughing i turned to her and went like, "You know what? I think i stepped on a snail."
We walked all the way back and tadaa!

Sucha innocent snail and i killed it. But Atiqa said it was still moving? So all the best snail!
Yeah, we laughed until we had to go on our knees and the side of my stomach cramped up like fucking pain. LOL.
Yaaaaaah, waited for her bus and off home. (:
Before i slept i kinda got my fucking anger out. I tried to take out as much anger/disappointment/etc as i could but it just wouldnt come out.
So yeaaaaaah i threw my fucking cell and left it there the whole night.
It has been so fucking long since i felt this way?
& I detest it. I hate being bad. Oh well.
Heres something sexy. Fuckkkkkkkkk look at JT! He beatboxed toooooooooo!
Ok breathe Leen breaatheeeeeeeeee. Fucking favorite.


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