hustleen :]

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Roasted Peanuts.

Heyyyyyyyy sup?!
woke up this morn and throat was doing okay (Y) Like finally!
So my voice is back, can sing more the next time i go jamming. Nyehahaaaaa!
Ok ah soo. Baby semalam malam, just before i wna sleep; woaaaaah sweeeeeeeet! Mchm terharu gitu for a moment, cos i didnt expect him to even had the thought to wish me. (; So yup.
okay anyway, watched Twilight just now. i was like wtffffffffffffffffffff, itu lagi manis! Ahah, kay whatever.
Gonna play Rock Riot now. kay bye. Love you guys. (;

Dont try and test me cos you'll get a reaction
Another drink and im ready for action
I dont know who you think you are
But making people scared wont take you very far
- Lily Allen. Gotta love her songs, right? :D

Ok, i love william. Ok, duh right? Hahah :}


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