hustleen :]

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Ill start with yesterday. :)
Off to school as per normal.
After school had India meeting ahahah!.
Insya'allah Adillah & Layyin gets to go. :)
After that went home, slept from two plus to five, up and got ready to go back to school.
Hella awesome.
Dance, games, food, dance, scoldings, dance.
I realize this year all the break fasts i had out of home with friends is during YOG.
The eclair nice seh.
Anyway, got official YOG goodie bag!. Took the black one. Its perdyy.
Danced the routine again and then went home.
Reached home at around eight thirty, hurried to shower and everything.
Packed, and at around nine fifteen, left for mosque.
Qiyamulail Camp!!!!!!
I reached at around nine thirty plus and Atiqah & Melati were waiting for me. :P
So put my bag in the room and went to auditorium for Quran reading.
The first guy was real good, then the second and third guy went on and their voices were to deep.
They were so fast, i couldnt catch up.
& then the Ceramah..
About Parents.
I admit it was pretty sad, my eyes watered but i didnt really cried..
It hit my fear nerve not my sad nerve.
Proceeded to rooftop to do some other things.
Sofia was like, eh you bought the same phone as me!
And i was like, Yeah! Its like sexyyyyyyy right!?
Sofia was like, hahaha yeah!
Asked her some stuff bout the phone.
I dont know.
Now i think its more like im living in fear of the things i do or do not do.
And/Or fear of death..
It seems so near yet so far.
Texted Mum to seek forgiveness :)
Supper then.
Just drank a lil' and ate threequarter of a cupcake.
Then off to washup and rooms to sleep.
By the time we got done it was like already one am.
We talked till around one thirty ahaha.
Atiqah & i didnt want to sleep so yeah.
Talked and ate all night.
One by one group went silent, Melati slept too ahaha!
We laughed and texted.
We "fell asleep" in the last fifteen minutes.
Then woke up and changed back.
At around four went for prayers, 3 prayers altgt.
Eyes were like half closed, mind half asleep ahahaha!
And then had Sahur, rice and chicken and tea :(
I wanted plain water so much.
Subuh then.
Ended at six thirty, and then debrief and at around seven dismissed.
Home with Iman str8 haha.
Reached home and slept until, buka.
Consistently being asked to wake up to pray just when i was about to fall asleep tho.
So yeah it was pretty fun, saw some faces i havent seen for quite awhile.
But got totally shagged i am still sleepy..
But overall, was okay, pretty fun. :D
I wanna camp with Atiqah, Melati, Sofia, Aquila, Maisarah again!!
Ahahaa. Oh and saw Nadhirah too. :D
My results sucks.
Why uh? What the heck happened?
I refuse to say its because of dance.
Secondary Three has been like, such a huge confusion.
About like almost everything.
I hope i can make it.
Sigh i am such a loser.

Lin Said says:
but you saw my brother right~
he wore green today like you
Ideal - we'll be a dream! says:
yeah i sawww
in fact every minute i saw him
*will see
Lin Said says:
how can that be
i thought hes too tiny to be noticed
Ideal - we'll be a dream! says:
haha not cos of the size but his voice
i hardly had any sleep cos the P6 boys very noisy(incl. iman)

Atiqah's joke of the night:
Lin: Kau cakap dengan dia aper? Kau eh?
Atiqah: *pause* Moo.
Mkay inside joke i guess. Hehe :P

Ideal - we'll be a dream! says:
well don't let your CA dampen you laa. Pick yourself up and work towards it. I'm sure you can


At September 5, 2010 at 12:42 AM , Blogger Mirah Hamid said...

eeyer ,it's better to chubby then skinny. How dyou get chubbier? Share share la :(( ~~~


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