hustleen :]

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where would you go.

Its amazing how far Obor have taken me.
First interview; Body Worlds.
Second interview; Kunjung Whitaker.
Third; Noor Loic.
Fourth; Santau Casts.
Fifth; (upcoming) Delima.
If ive never attended the camp, i wouldnt have gotten this role.
I wouldnt have gotten this experience.
I wouldnt have met all those new people.
I wouldnt have gotten this inspiration, aspiration, this ambition.
Just finished typing up my article on Santau.
Hope it'll get published, hope my group's article is okay for a first.
Hope after all this hard work it will pay off in future.
Amazing, really.

i really love being onstage.

& now, im fucking down.
Fuck all of you, why do you always have to bring me down so low?
Another fucking night.


At January 22, 2010 at 2:15 AM , Blogger Mirah Hamid said...

body world is boring. I just went to body world ystd!=D Anyway ; cheer up alright.


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