hustleen :]

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Okay you guys might not really expect this but,
i really hate posers.
Ok, not just a i-copy-your-nickname kinda poser okay.
That kinda thing, i whateverize cos anybody can have the same nick.
Ok, not a i-copy-your-style kinda poser okay.
That kinda thing, i whateverize cos i take it as the person lurves my style or something i take it as that person is inspired by my dressing.
But this is a i-steal-your-picture-and-call-it-mine kinda poser.
Like oh cmon?!
You know youre not that gd a photographer/photographeditor then buck up!!!
If you steal someone else's awesome photograph then youre just a P O S E R.
Too bad if you are one.
Am not posting this because somebody stole my photo or whatev.
Ive just seen it around and it gets to my nerves.
Okay i know its not like we Copyright our photos or whatev.
I still think i could deal w posers who steal Photography photos.
Cos they would probably be sceneries ot whatev.
But i definitely cant/wont deal w posers who steal photos where the owner's face is in it.
So what if the photo shows the owner's back or whuat?
Its still not your sexy back.
& you steal the photo and then label it yours like spot-on.
At least edit and make it different laaaaaaaaa .
Dont make until so obvious you stole it laaaaaa .
Pls laaaaaaa!!!
Can die you know!
The fuck?!?!?!?!
& Friendster, youre sucha mofo why are you putting my name/profile/whatever at other people's photo comments when i fucking didnt comment on it?! In fact i dont even know them! Jeeeeeeeez!!!!!
Fuck you lah, fuck all of you!!!!!!!


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