hustleen :]

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hi yayayayayayayayaya!
Class banding sucksssss!
Sorry to say uh.
But, 3E is not like a klaz anymore w the separation in almost all the subjects!
Anyway, i just digggggg Lit & Chem.
Been reading OffCentre. Fucking rocks.
About this couple, both of them mentally ill.
So sweeet, seriously.
Looking forward to Bio.
Oyah, i lost my Geog textbook on second day.
wtf or what?
Very so busy after school too. With dance.
& Ajul came to my school after dance.
So fucking cute siaaaaaaaah.
Everyone just lurves him hahaha!
So damn cute!
Kay nah.
William Dj yang hantar.
I can only understand "International Love" hahahaha!
But, yah. (Y)


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