hustleen :]

Monday, November 9, 2009

So yesterday.

& yes, i know i look super disgusting. thanks rain. =.= orange part is for yesterday btw.

met Atiqa at around 330. trained down to Orchard. we frigginly laughed our asses off in the train. had to run to shelter in the bloody rain. just thank god i didnt slip and fall. but the rain did some serious damage to my hair, boohoo. ): tried to fix it up but it was still the same. ahh damn it, i want natural straight hair~~~~ k anw, head to Pastamania for lunch. Yummy~ saw security guard fighting w unknown old man. tsk. thn walked around Far East. i got myself this new Avenged Sevenfold tee hehehe ♥. Yeah, i have my eyes on this pair of shorts and the awesome hoodie thingy at the shop where i bought e shirt. id need like a hundred to buy them both. anyways, headed to Ion to donate the Lego thingy. yeah and then head to Bishan for CottonOn. headed to Atiqa's crib for fun. then at around 730pm off to meet William baby @ hub. watched him play the soccer game thing. =.= like many matches know. my butt was hurting as i was only sitting on like one side of my butt. then walked around till about 930. Mama was texting and all. bused home, and, yeah. thats about it.
so i will be wearing rock style on class bbq. maybe ill be coming on 1 or 2 of the 3 days? i dont know, but i cant wait. ^^
& i just got reminded that on Friday, i will get my streaming results. okay im nervous.
i am so bored right now. think im gonna hit bed once again. hopefully i get good dreams this time, lol.
ok bye. (:

am i supposed to feel regret? or what? all i know is, im going to hell. for sure. arghh.

B, i love you, i wont leave you. Mark my words. ♥


At November 10, 2009 at 1:52 AM , Blogger MiiraOhhMiira said...

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At November 10, 2009 at 2:01 AM , Blogger YoursTruly said...

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