hustleen :]

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


yeps, thats them. (:
woke up early, bused to airport and sent them off.
aww, i cried a number of tears but im keeping the rest inside.
idw let them out. i love them i love them!
look at Nyai! she is sooo cute!
WakYah hugged me so much before departing.
i love love love you guys! i miss you guys so much already!
ill be there when you guys come back okay.
have lotsa fun, take care!
Much loves & misses!
& we saw uhm, Aidie's friend's boyf?
i think its Lily's boyf, Hazmi.
so we had burger king..
six burgers six large fries six large Cokes two chicken tenders.
Ajul wanted this toy car, so Uncle Joe bought the bk kids meal thingy.
then Ajul was like, "Papa, i dont want cheeseburger, i want the car..."
then the cashier was like. "yes? what color you want?"
then Ajul was replied damn soft and shyly, "Greeen..."
then the cashier person gave green.
then Ajul pitifully said "and another one red for my brother..."
but of course he didnt get it cos they only bought one. how cute and toughtful kan.
i cant wait to have my own children. (:
so gyeahs bused back home, Nebs & i were locked outside the door.
managed to fix our way in.
still missing them.
baby i dont know went where, tk msg pon. Haiy, dah tk syng i eh b? are you even thinking of me? cos im thinking of you.
stuffs on tmr, hope ill have fun?.
i dont know man, now that Nyai's not here, i have to be home to take care of brudder.
cmon lah, hes primary six, tell him to learn to be independent ah.
dont screw up my fucking holiday. =.=
Nights people.

i miss them. do you fucking understand? ):


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