hustleen :]

Monday, September 28, 2009

im a bad person, you dont like me.

i cried myself to sleeep last night, nothing fucking happened at first i just began crying crying crying not knowing whats wrong hahaha i think im just mad or something but just before i fell asleep i finally got to know whats wrong and i just continued crying and when i got the last text message i threw my fucking mobile off my bed telling myself to get some sleep and try not to let it affect my papers today. yesyesyes im so fucking dumb for crying i know it doesnt help anything but if i were to be ranting back it would make things worse you know im trying, you dont see it but i can feel it everytime this happens we go back to start once again everything starts from A once again when you knew we were already at M and i feel how awkward it was when we talked this morning. i realize it already, been realizing it since forever. i disgust myself. fuck. i hate myself, for everything that i do or i did not do. im sorrey for everything, i said i will change and i swear i will. all im asking for is your patience and understanding right now. i know you hate that you love me. lets make this work once again can we? cuz we've only got ONE LOVE.

papers today were pretty awesome. esp malay. i think im good at writing for malay. if theres a Cerpen competition i wanna take part. maybe in the future i wanna create my own shows. i tend to write and show emotions better in malay. if you guys cant understand malay then sorry ah. :D i finsihed my karangan early so i thought of how it wld be if it were acted. :D

you better lose yourself in the music.

sayaaang william to the maxxxxxxxx, hes da bomb, hes da sex! i loveeeee my boyf fucking alot, i tell you. okay with that? nahhs, you dont have a choice. HAHAA. chao.


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