hustleen :]

Saturday, September 19, 2009

In advance.


today i woke up due to aLOT of noise.
rolled around bed and then jumped off and went outside.
saw Wak, Waklan and everyone else ah.
then washed up and sat around, talked to Dzul, disturbed him etc.
he damn fascinated by stars can. LOL.
after that Wak&Waklan went off. sooooooo bored.
etc etc etc.
played fireworks w Dzul, Iman, Papa.
thn afta i showered Mama asked me to hurry.
Papa made this thing where he put all the whistle-d fireworks at the same place.
& then Iman lights it up & the whistles start to shoot everywhere w alot of noise.
awesome sia! i snapped pix laa, duh.
aLOT of smoke, until inside the house. LOL.
Dzul went home. i was soo friggin' bored.
Mama put Henna/Inai or wtv for me.
thn lie arounddd, help cook this cook that.
text baby.
ketupat was angkat-ed. & thn i thought of Roasting Marshmallows.
so me & my Iman, sat in front of the fire while waiting for buka.
we talktalktalk.
& i snapped some pictures.
today alot pix laa, but i dont have enough time to upload all.
so yaa, lepas raya kay?
oyah, after buka Me Iman & Nebs roasted th marshmallows. yummyyyyy.
after marshmallows Mama suggested Satay.
so Satayyyyy~!
we cook on top of the fire and then eateateat.
text baby, baby went Town to buy his nike slippers.
so yaaaaaaaaaaaa. nw chilling. im veryvery sleeepy btw.

watching Lil' Wayne.

BTW IM REALLY REALLY LAZY TO UPLOAD THE PIX. SORRY! (: youve got to forgive me anyway, its hari raya you know.

Sayaaang William.

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